TUDD IT Structure & Account Setup
IT Structure; TUDD Account Setup; ZIH services; Datashare; Sharepoint; ChemieNetz
Group IT Structure:
- Datashare (via client software Nextcloud) for local file sync for project work and paper preparation; ongoing papers/projects have 1 folder each (access from OTS).
- Hubs: TSArchive for finished papers and projects (good for figure & doc templates);
TSGrpSci hub for central share material (group forms, templates, info, how-to guides). - Sharepoint for realtime edits - OC2 WorkOff List, Umbau & Equipment Plans, etc.
- Chemie-Netz (via browser [NetStorage] or clients [Novell, Kanaka]) for NMR data.
Getting Started - TUDD Accounts
You'll need logins / accounts centrally at TUDD (ZIH: library SLUB: for access to TUDD mail service, eduroam, Scifinder, VPN); regionally at the Faculty (ChemVPN: GoeChem inventory, etc); and locally in our group (group server, transponder, group fileshares). See Ingmar for any questions your labmates can't settle.
TUDD Email (your.name@tu-dresden.de): you should get a user name and login with tokens for first-time access, together with your contract or on arrival.
(a) In a browser, login to your mail account and reset your password if desired.
(b) Then, setup a mail client to manage your email in folders (how-to). To send email you must be connected to the ZIH VPN.
(c) Backup: Webmail (OWA) via Browser
(d) OWA app does not work on the smartphone. Use other email app and integrate your MS exchange account. -
VPN: This connection system allows you to authenticate into secured TUDD networks from anywhere. You'll need VPN client software like OpenVPN Connect (instruction) or Cisco AnyConnect Client (instruction). Connect to central ZIH VPN for most client functions (email; fileshare: xx.zih.tu-dresden.de), or Chemie-Netz local Faculty net for rare cases (inventory, admin, NMR).
Eduroam wireless internet has hotspots all over the university and worldwide.
Getting new Eduroam WLAN access points and beamers: work in progress. -
SLUB (the library) - once you login via browser, it sets a cookie on your browser and you never need to authenticate with journals for the rest of the year: you get straight to your journal articles on most publisher webpages. Nice. Go to SLUB and get your login once you have a contract (can probably be done by mail but the library's nice).
Once a day, your ZIH account will require 2FA (2-Factor Authentication), for which you'll need to install a 2FA client on your smartphone, eg. 2FAS Auth (iPhone).
Get a TUDD digital certificate for secure emails & digital signatures: walkthrough (FAQ). (steps: photo ID; request cert; install cert in OS keychain; install cert _and_ TUDD security settings in Adobe Reader; add cert to email client.)
ZIH central IT service
ZIH is your main IT account. Great overview here.
Use a VPN Client e.g. OpenVPN Connect or Cisco to log in (xx.zih.tu-dresden.de).
ZIH is irreplaceable for access to central TU resources (journals; cloud work e.g. Microsoft Sharepoint / OneDrive / Teams; MS software e.g. Office) (intros to Sharepoint & Exchange / Email here).
ZIH's "Datashare" Sync & Share (like DropBox)
- Datashare is a Sync & Share service with 20-200 GB personal space. Install the NextCloud client for DropBox-like usage; or check files by browser link (or you can also mount your cloud drive as a network drive) (was previously called Cloudstore).
- Our tud-chem-oc2-tsgroup-sci Datashare group has TSGrpSci & TSArchive NFS / CIFS share storage hubs for paper writing and data archive (internal link, info link). Work In Progress.
- Datashare does not handle simultaneous file editing like Google Docs: for that, use the ZIH Sharepoint service. When two users or devices are synchronising files via Datashare and modify the same file on their system, the first to sync writes its modified file to the Datashare server, but the second creates a conflict file on the server ('filename_conflict-date') that only the second client can see. Users must resolve the conflict. (Info here)
ZIH's Sharepoint (like Google Docs)
- Browser-based realtime document access and editing, like Google Docs
- Use it when multiple people may be editing the same document at same time.
Chemie-Netz (Faculty of Chemistry's own OES server)
The Faculty has its own Chemie-Netz OES Server (exec Matthias Mann; IB is group admin).
See Ingmar for your OES login & pw and any questions.
Some of OES is irreplaceable: NMR & analytics data.
Some has counterparts through ZIH (50 GB group chem drive AKSeshold, your drive, etc).
NetStorage is a browser-based access to the Chemie-Netz folders for which your account is authorised (OES user & pw; nb: the alternative Filr protocol is down).
Use a client for sync'd OES access: Novell on Win (see Ingmar); on Mac, either Kanaka or MacOS native settings (add link). Remote WLAN login additionally needs a VPN client connection to Chemie-Netz, i.e. different settings than for ZIH (user ZIH-login@chm-ma-oc-vpn, with ZIH pw).
TUDD runs on SAP. Get access via this Schulungsprozess.
WebCMS overview, courses, DL, access. TUD Link shortener.