German-French double degree in chemistry
- The binational course of study must lead to a double degree,
- the academic performance and the duration of study ought to be spread equally between two universities,
- the study visit at the partner university should amount to three semesters at least,
- a joint study programme exists,
- and the study programs will be regularly evaluated.
All of these criteria are met by the integrated German-French study programme, which is funded by the DFH for over 10 years.
Two French Écoles Supérieures participate at the German-French double course of study:
- the École Nationale supérieure de Chimie de Rennes in Rennes (Bretagne),
- the École Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux from Strasbourg (Alsace),
- the Saarland University in Saarbrücken,
- the Stuttgart University in Stuttgart,
- and the Technische Universität Dresden.
The integrated German-French study programme of chemistry offers German students the opportunity to study at the French partner university for two years. French students of the partner universities have the chance to spend one year in Dresden. The French degree (Diplôme d'ingénieur) and the German degree (Master of Science) will be awarded when the integrated study programme is successfully completed.
Compared to an ERASMUS stay, the integrated course of study has several advantages: Apart from the longer stay abroad, the overall study period will not be extended. This is due to the specific study regulations, which are coordinated by both partner universities. Thus, academic achievements in both universities are acknowledged. This means for German students that the Master of Science can be achieved in five years.
The vast majority of graduates found the participation in the German-French study programme in chemistry to be rewarding. They were able to enhance their language skills, explore a new culture and lifestyle and study in an international context. The information on the following pages is aimed at current and future students of TU Dresden, who are planning the participation at the German-French course of study in chemistry, and at French students of the partner universities, who are interested in staying at the TU Dresden.
Program Coordinator at the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Doert
Deutsch-französisches Doppelstudium © Ecole européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux