Gamma spectrometry
Aim of the experiment:
In this experiment you will record gamma spectra with a NaI scintillation detector and a high-resolution HPGe detector (High-Purity Ge) and investigate the characteristics of both detectors. Eight different closed radioactive preparations of low activity are available. The radioactive decay of a selection of these and an environmental spectrum will be investigated in more detail.
Literature on the fundamentals of nuclear physics
- J. Kantele, Handbook of nuclear spectroscopy
- T. Mayer-Kuckuk, Nuclear Physics
- K. Siegbahn, Alpha, Beta and Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
- Table of Radioactive Isotopes
Downloads for experiment
- Instructions as pdf-document (the updated version will follow)
The experiment itself takes place in the basement of the ASB, room K07.
The experiment begins with the radiation protection instruction on Fridays at 08:00 in room ASB/423, Thursdays by arrangement.