Details zur Lehrveranstaltung
Physics 1 for Chemistry and Food chemistry | ||||||||||||||||
Lecture language | German | |||||||||||||||
Summary of Lecture: | Mechanics of point masses: conservation laws of momentum, angular momentum, energy; force, potential, equation of motion; application of (damped) oscillator, molecular vibration, spectroscopy. Linear and rotating reference systems, theory of relativity; application of Kepler's laws, Rutherford's atomic model. Rigid rotor, moment of inertia, rotational energy, application molecular rotation; precession, nutation; elastic properties of solids. Liquids: Hydrostatic pressure, Bernoulli's theorem, laminar and turbulent flow, surface tension. Gases: Kinetic theory of gases, theorems of thermodynamics, entropy, heat conduction and diffusion. | |||||||||||||||
data set up-to-date | ||||||||||||||||
Scope: | lecture: 2 hours/week tutorials: 2 hours/week | |||||||||||||||
Time/location: | DI(2) TRE/PHYS | |||||||||||||||
Tutorials: |
Audience: | Bachelor 1. Semester | |||||||||||||||
Previous knowledge: | Abiturkenntnisse | Certificate: | Klausur | |||||||||||||
Enrolment: | s. Bemerkungen | |||||||||||||||
Web-reference: | | |||||||||||||||
Information über Corona-bedingte Teilnahmebeschränkungen bei Präsenz-Vorlesungen, bereitgestelltes Lehrmaterial sowie die Organisation der Übungsgruppen auf Bildungsportal Opal. Literatur zur Vorlesung: * P. Müller et al.; Übungsbuch Physik: Grundlagen-Kontrollfragen-Beispiele-Aufgaben, Fv Leipzig. * U. Haas: Physik f. Pharmazeuten u. Mediziner, Wiss. Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart |