Details zur Lehrveranstaltung
Superconductivity II | |
Modul: | Phy-Ba-PV: Physikalische Vertiefung |
Lecture language | English |
Summary of Lecture: | The course will cover the most interesting topics of modern research in the field of unconventional superconductivity. We will discuss novel materials (pnictides, cuprates, ruthenates, etc.) where puzzling phenomena occur, the most advanced experimental methods (ARPES, STM, RXS, etc.) which probe their physical properties as well as the fundamental questions (symmetry of the order parameter, electronic correlations, Fermi surface instabilities, etc.) which stay on the way of complete theory of superconductivity. |
data set up-to-date | |
Scope: | lecture: 2 hours/week |
Time/location: | MO(3) IFW D2E.27 |
Audience: | Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle) |
Specialization area: | Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) (Vorlesung im Wahlpflichtvertiefungsgebiet, masterartig) |
Previous knowledge: | Festkörperphysik oder Supraleitung I | Certificate: |
Enrolment: | |
Web-reference: | |
Raumänderung: IFW B3E.26 Erste Vorlesung am 10.10.2022 weitere Lesende: Dr. Hans-Joachim Grafe, Dr. Dmitriy Efremov We ask to register by Email |