Symmetry breaking in condensed matter physics: An experimental approach
Phy-Ba-PV: Physikalische Vertiefung
Lecture language
Summary of Lecture:
‘It is only slightly overstating the case to say that physics is the study of symmetry.’-‘More is different’—P. W. Anderson.
In this course I will try to give you a brief introduction about why and how breaking symmetry is important in condensed matter physics. Rather than covering a rigorous mathematical treatment, I will mainly focus on experiments. In general following topics will be covered. The course will be given in English and this is suitable for Masters and PhD students. The order of this content may eventually slightly vary, though.
• Why symmetry is important in Physics?
• Symmetry in Nature
• Relevance of symmetry in condensed matter physics
• Translational symmetry, rotational symmetry
• Symmetry breaking!
• Consequences of symmetry breaking
o Phase transtions
o Excitations
o Critical phenomena and universality
• Symmetry breaking in magnetism and superconductivity
• Time reversal symmetry breaking
• Broken symmetry by uniaxial strain
data set up-to-date
lecture: 2 hours/week
DO(3) online
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle)
Specialization area:
Previous knowledge:
The lectures will take place via ZOOM. I will send you the link and other necessary details. Please don't forget to write me an email ( to register.