Practical Quantum Mechanics for Experimental Solid State Physicists
Phy-Ba-PV: Physikalische Vertiefung
Lecture language
German and English
Summary of Lecture:
*** The 1st lecture will be given on Wednesday May 6th 2020 due to the corona situation. Please send me an email if you are interested and I will keep you up to date for any new developments: ***
The lectures will be given via ZOOM. To join: -- Meeting ID: 327 085 0234 -- Password: 01187
The lectures take place on Wednesdays from 9:20 AM to 10:50 AM. The Meeting room will be open 10 minutes before the start of the lecture. Please use your real name as user name, so that the host can identify and include you.
We would like to inform also that the lectures will be recorded locally. For more information see also:
Electronic structure of solids with examples which include also strongly correlated systems:
• Tight-Binding calculations
• One-particle vs. Many-body framework
• Ground state and Excitations
• Density of States and Spectral Weights, Doping dependence
• H2 molecule – Heitler-London, Hubbard
• Peierls transition
• Transition Metal Oxides: configuration interaction
• Kondo systems: Gunnarsson and Schönhammer
data set up-to-date
lecture: 2 hours/week
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle)
Specialization area:
Previous knowledge:
Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics
Ja / Yes
1. Vorlesung / 1st Lecture: 6 Mai 2020
The lecture aims to explain the basic concepts and tools to describe the electronic structure of solid state materials. The contrast between one-particle approaches and (unsolvable) many-body models will be clarified. Hands-on exercises using computers will be presented to address topics such as the transition metal oxides (cuprates, ruthenates) and Kondo systems.