In this seminar the students shall learn the fundamentals, experimental techniques and applications of
several microscopic spectroscopy techniques
to examine electronic properties (i.e. charge, spin, orbital degrees of freedom) in condensed matter.
Under guidance of a specialist in the field you will prepare
and present a seminar talk (length approx. 45 minutes).
Possible topics :
• Muon spin relaxation (µSR): What are time-reversal symmetry-breaking superconductors?
• Neutron scattering: from magnons to spinons
• Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): Magnetic order and spin dynamics from the viewpoint of nuclei
• FTIR-/THz-/Raman-Spectroscopy on complex systems: Mott insulators, charge density waves, superconductors
• Ultrashort Laserpulses: time resolved dynamics in quantum matter
• Optical control: light-induced superconductivity
• Phase-stabilzed Laser pulses:
o Higgs-Spektroscopie on superconductors
Introduction and assignment of topics:
Wednesday, 5.4.22, at 11:10 Uhr in room REC D016 !!
Informations und preregistration also via email:
data set up-to-date
seminar: 2 hours/week
MI(3) REC/D16
Master Hauptseminare
Previous knowledge:
Bachelor degree in physics
successful presentation of a 45 min. talk
vial e-mail to or on 5.4.23 um 11:10 in REC D016