Aktuelles Semester
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Annotated University Calendars Winter Term 2021/22
Only lectures held in English language are shown! Back to all lectures
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle)
Master Organic and Molecular Electronics
Vertiefung Bachelor (PV) und Master (alle) | |
An Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Muon Spin Rotation for Solid State Physics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Biological Hydrodynamics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Cellular Machines II: Molecular Motors Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik | |
Computational tools for quantum many-body physics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Dynamical Systems Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Few- to many-body physics in ultracold gases Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Higgs and Beyond Standard Model Physics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Teilchen- und Kernphysik | |
Introduction to the theory of topological materials Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Machine learning and data science Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Magnetism on the nanoscale Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Festkörper- und Materialphysik (Elektronische Eigenschaften von Festkörpern) | |
Material Science using Ions Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik | |
Modern Topics in Physical Chemistry of Polymeric Materials Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik | |
Nanooptics - MC Nanobiophysics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik ,Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik | |
Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Matter Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: | |
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Semiconductor Quantum Structures Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Angewandte Festkörperphysik und Photonik | |
Statistical Methods in Data Analysis Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Stochastic Processes with Python Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
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Stochastic Processes: classical and quantum Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Theoretical Polymer Physics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Weiche kondensierte Materie und biologische Physik ,Theoretische Physik | |
Theory of open quantum systems applied to molecular assemblies Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |
Specialization area: Theoretische Physik | |
Master Hauptseminare | |
Hauptseminar IKTP: Grand challenges and hot topics in high energy and astroparticle physics Phy-Ma-Hsem (English) | |
Master Organic and Molecular Electronics | |
Quantum solid state physics Phy-Ba-PV (English) | |