Informations on Specialisation and Thesis
The following information is particularly useful for assembling courses in the Physics Specialisation module, for planning the Scientific Studies ("Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten") module, and for the master's thesis.
- Content of the five specialisation areas. Categorisation of courses and possible topics for academic research papers and Master's theses.
- Introductory presentation by the Dean of Study Affairs regarding the Master's programme and specialisation areas
The Scientific Studies ("Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (Phy-Ma-Warb)) module and the master's thesis together form the 1-year research phase of the master of physics programme in Dresden. Usually both are supervised by the same authorized examiner on the same scientific research topic. The start of the Scientific Studies module can be chosen individually at any day of the year in agreement with the supervisor. The following documents give more explanations about the Study and Examination Regulations and inform about the organizational process:
Recommendations, Course of Actions, Supervisors (Guide of the Examination Committee)
Scientific Studies (further information by the Dean of Studies)
Master's Thesis (further information by the Dean of Studies)