Nov 05, 2024; Event Series

Neuroscientific Methods Club

Have you ever wondered what the best preprocessing pipeline is for your MRI data? Did you ever ask yourself which is the best coil for your TMS experiment? Do you know how to use tFUS and whether it would be suitable for your experiment? Do you know the ins and outs of MVPA, PPI, RSA, ….? What can we learn from analytical approaches used in EEG for fMRI and vice-versa? In the methods club we want to share our expertise on methods related questions.  

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Nov 05, 2024; Interactive Event

Neuroscientific Methods Club

Start and end time 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Location FAL room 268
Chemnitzer Str. 48b
Chair of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
01187 Dresden

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