Equal opportunity
Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Psychology

Dr. Ulrike Senftleben
Master of Science in Psychology
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer for Psychology

Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer Faculty of Psychology
NameDr. Uta Wolfensteller
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
About the equal opportunities work at the Faculty of Psychology
Financial support for measures to implement the equal opportunities mandate
Helpful links:
Information and contacts at the central level of the TU Dresden on the subject of equal opportunities
Counselling map of TU Dresden for all enquiries regarding the compatibility of family and career, career counselling, conflict and psychological counselling
Funding programs and networks:
Graduate academy of TU Dresden
Maria Reiche Mentoring-Program of TU Dresden