Corinna Kührt

Dr. rer. nat. Corinna Kührt
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Professur für Ingenieurpsychologie und angewandte Kognitionsforschung
Professur für Ingenieurpsychologie und angewandte Kognitionsforschung
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW), A 226 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Research Interests
- augmented multisensory perception in interactions between humans and cyber-physical systems
- individual differences in cognitive control and motivation, effort discouting
- open science, big team science
- experimental, neurocognitive, and psychophysiological methods
- emotion regulation
Corinna Kührt is member of the local Open Science Initiative of the Faculty of Psychology (OSIP).
Preprints / Under Review
Paul, K., Beauducel, A., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Lange, L., Mueller, E. M., Osinsky, R., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Short, C. A., Stahl, J., Strobel, A., & Wacker, J. (2024). Frontal alpha asymmetry as a marker of approach motivation? Insights from a cooperative forking path analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
Beauducel, A., Scheuble-Cabrera, V., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Lange, L., Müller, E. M., Osinsky, R., Paul, K., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Short, C., Stahl, J., Strobel, A., Wacker, J. (2024). The association of dispositional anxiety with the NoGo N2 under relaxation instruction versus speed/accuracy instruction. Biological Psychology, 108850. ISSN 0301-0511.
Loenneker, H. D., Buchanan, E. M., Martinovici, A., Primbs, M. A., Elsherif, M. M., Baker, B. J., Dudda, L. A., Đurđević, D. F., Mišić, K., Peetz, H. K., Röer, J. P., Schulze, L., Wagner, L., Wolska, J. K., Kührt, C.*, & Pronizius, E.* (2024). We don’t know what you did last summer. On the importance of transparent reporting of reaction time data pre-processing. Cortex 172, 14-37. |Preprint PsyArXiv | OSF
Zerna, J., Scheffel, C., Kührt, C., & Strobel, A. (2023). Need for Cognition is associated with a preference for higher task load in effort discounting. Scientific Reports 13, 19501. | Preprint PsyArXiv
Kührt, C., Graupner, S., Paulus, P. C., & Strobel, A. (2023). Cognitive effort investment: Does disposition become action? PLoS ONE 18(8)8): e0289428.| Preprint PsyArXiv | OSF
Paul, K., Short, C. A., Beauducel, A., Carsten, H. P., Härpfer, K., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Mueller, E. M., Munk, A., Osinsky, R., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Stahl, J., Strobel, A., & Wacker, J. (2022). The Methodology and Dataset of the CoScience EEG-Personality Project – A Large-Scale, Multi-Laboratory Project Grounded in Cooperative Forking Paths Analysis. Personality Science, 3, 1-26. | Preregistration | OSF
Kührt, C., Pannasch, S., Kiebel, S.J., & Strobel, A. (2021). Dispositional individual differences in cognitive effort investment: establishing the core construct. BMC Psychol 9, 10. | Preprint PsyArXiv | OSF | PDF
Strobel, A., Wieder, G., Paulus, P.C., Ott, F., Pannasch, S., Kiebel, S.J., & Kührt, C. (2020) Dispositional cognitive effort investment and behavioral demand avoidance: Are they related? PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239817. | Preprint PsyArXiv | OSF | PDF
*equal contribution
Conference Contributions
Kührt, C., Strobel, A., Scheffel, C., Beauducel, A., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Mueller, E. M., Osinsky, R., Paul, K., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Short, C. A., Stahl, J., Wacker, J. (2024). Dispositional Cognitive Effort Investment and Actual Effort Exertion: A Large-Scale, Multi-Laboratory Approach within the CoScience EEG-Personality Project. Talk at the 64th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), October 23 - 26 2024, Prague, CZ.
Kührt, C., Graupner, S., Paulus, P., & Strobel, A. (2022). Cognitive effort investment under varying demand and payoff: Results from electroencephalogram and pupil dilation. Poster presented at the Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 940, July 11- 14 2022, Dresden
Kührt, C. & Strobel, A. (2022). Cognitive effort investment under varying demand: Results from event related potentials and pupil dilation. Talk at the 47th joint annual meeting Psychology and the Brain (PuG), June 16-18 2022, Freiburg. Slides on OSF
Kührt, C. & Strobel, A. (2021). The relationship of cognitive effort investment and reward processing under varying demand. Talk at the 16th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society - Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section, September 13-15 2021, Ulm|online. Slides on OSF
Kührt, C. & Strobel, A. (2021). The relationship of cognitive effort investment and reward processing under varying demand. Talk at the 46th joint annual meeting Psychology and the Brain (PuG), June 2-4 2021, Tübingen|online. Slides on OSF
Kührt, C. & Strobel, A. (2019). Dispositional Individual Differences in Effort Investment: Exploring the Core Construct. Talk at the 15th Biennial Conference of the German Psychological Society - Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section, September 16-18 2019, Dresden. Slides on OSF
Kührt, C., Ott, F., Pannasch, S., Kiebel, S., Strobel. A. (2017). Dispositional Individual Differences in Effort Investment: Exploring the Core Construct. Poster presented at the SFB940 Summer School, June 20-23 2017, Dresden
Kührt, C., Helmert, J. R., Dörfel, D., Pannasch, S., Strobel, A. (2014). Emotion Regulation: Effects of Distraction and Distancing on Psychophysiology and Eye Movements. Poster presented at the 40th joint annual meeting Psychology and the Brain (PuG), June 19-21 2014, Lübeck
- Seminar "Lehr-Lern-Psychologie: Individuelle Unterschiede" (WS 2022/23)
- Seminar "Persönlichkeitspsychologie" (SS 2023)
Scientific Education
2023 |
PhD in Psychology, TU Dresden Topic: "Cognitive effort investment: Individual differences in disposition and action" |
2014 |
Diplom (equivalent to M. Sc.) in Psychology, TU Dresden Topic: "Emotion regulation: The relevance of experience, psychophysiology and eye movements on prediction of success” |
Professional Experience
since 11/2023 |
Research associate at the Chair of Engineering Psychology and Applied Cognitive Research, TU Dresden CeTI - Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop |
2016 – 2023 |
Research associate at the Chair of Differential and Personality Psychology, TU Dresden SFB 940 "Volition and Cognitive Control", Project B6 |
2016 | Project coordinator „Stress-Rekord“, Sächsische Landesvereinigung für Gesundheitsförderung Sachsen e. V., Dresden |
2012 – 2013 | Research assistant at the Section of Systems Neuroscience & SFB 940, Project A7, TU Dresden |
2012 | Research assistant at the Chair of Addiction Research, TU Dresden |
2010 – 2011 | Research assistant at the Chair of Differential and Personality Psychology, TU Dresden |
seit 07/2024 | Member of the Society for Psychophysiological Research |
since 03/2022 | Member of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) |
since 07/2021 |
Member of the Open Science Initiative of the Faculty of Psychology (OSIP) at TU Dresden |
since 02/2019 | Member of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) |
Awards and Prizes
2024 | SIPS Commendation award by the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) |
2021 | Funding for a research assistant by the Saxon Ministry of the Arts and Sciences (SMWK) and TU Dresden |
2020 |
Research grant by the DGPs section Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology |
2014 | Travel award by the Association of Friends and Sponsors of TU Dresden e. V. |