Here you will find at a glance the information you need in order to prepare optimally for the examination in the field of work and organizational psychology. The basis for the evaluation is the following (German) framework for grades.
The lectures form a good basis for exam preparation. In addition (and if things are unclear from the lecture), you can broaden your knowledge by means of the specified literature.
Extra information
Starting with a selected topic and relevance of the seminars: It is possible to choose a seminar topic as the topic you like to start with (exception: your own presentation topic).
For upcoming exams, we ask enrolled students to send their change requests (change of examination appointments), cancellations after the 7-day period (e.g., because of sickness) directly to the examiners in the week before the appointment. Thanks very much!
Examination procedures and examination topics are announced by the person, who is responsible for the module or subject, respectively.
Lecture HPSTS-1 2022
Regulations for examination HPSTS 2 (lectures of Wegge & Seminars) for students of MA HPSTS, KPP or CAN
Form: oral examination of approx. 30 minutes duration.
Initial topic and further course: the exam can be started with a self-chosen topic (approx. 5 minutes) from the exam topics given below. It is also possible to choose a seminar topic as an initial topic (exception: own report topic). If a seminar topic is chosen as an initial topic, no further seminar questions will be included in the examination. The introductory statements are also included in the grade finding. Subsequently, 3-4 other topics are randomly selected and tested.
Subject: The teaching content of the lecture units of HPSTS 2 and the seminar that belongs to the module. Students from KPP and CAN are allowed to only attend the lecture in their module "Human Factors" and be tested for the lecture only.
Exam topics: The following topics are relevant from the lecture and the seminar (LINK to current examination topics)
Language: German or English (to be determined at the beginning of the examination)
(A) ModulE Public Health
Form: written exam of 90 minutes duration in WS
Subject: the contents of the lecture (offers of occupational medicine) and the seminar of the module (Dr. Fritzsche).
Examinations: The examination is organized by Prof. Wegge, who is also your contact for questions.
(B) ModulE Occupational Health Psychology (OHP)
Form: oral examination of approx. 30 minutes duration in SS; The examination can be started with a self-chosen topic speech (approx. 5 minutes) from the examination topics list listed below. These introductory remarks are also used to grade determination. Subsequently, 5-6 additional topics are randomly selected and checked.
Subject: The contents of the lecture OHP and the seminar of the module (Dr. Fritzsche).
Examination topics: from the relevant lectures (seeexamination topics list of OHP
(A) Lecture HPSTS 1
Form: oral examination of approx. 30 minutes duration; The test can be started with a self-chosen starting-topic (approx. 5 minutes) from the examination topics listed below. These introductory remarks are also used for grading. Subsequently, 5-6 additional topics are randomly selected and checked.
Subject: Course content of the selected lecture units of the lecture
(B) Lecture HPSTS 2
Form: oral examination of approx. 30 minutes duration; The test can be started with a self-chosen starting-topic (approx. 5 minutes) from the examination topics listed below. These introductory remarks are also used for grading. Subsequently, 5-6 additional topics are randomly selected and checked.
Subject: Course content of the selected lecture units of the lecture
(C) Lecture OHP
Form: oral examination of approx. 30 minutes duration; The test can be started with a self-chosen starting-topic (approx. 5 minutes) from the examination topics listed below. These introductory remarks are also used for grading. Subsequently, 5-6 additional topics are randomly selected and checked.
Please contact your teacher for further informations of current topic
(D) ModulE Public Health
Form: written exam of 90 minutes duration in WS
Subject: the contents of the lecture (offers of occupational medicine) and the seminar of the module (Dr. Fritzsche).
Examinations: The examination is organized by Prof. Wegge, who is also your contact for questions.
There are separate examinations for the HP1 and HP2 lectures.
For the elective module PSY-BA WP3 (Occupational Health Psychology and Health Promoting Work Design), a portfolio examination is offered in the seminar Public Health (winter semester), and an oral examination for the relevant lecture OHP (Occupational Health Psychology, summer semester).
HP 1 is an oral examination only offered in the winter semester. The examination begins with the student speaking on a topic (approx. 3 minutes), which may not be the topic of a presentation or term paper from the seminar. Afterward, three examination complexes/topics are drawn from the lecture and seminar content.
HP2 is a written examination and is only offered in the summer semester. The exam is an MC exam and reflects the lecture and seminar content. It consists of one single and one multiple-choice task, two scenarios, and four seminar questions per lecture.
Occupational health psychology and health-promoting work design
The portfolio performance for the seminar is acquired in the seminar in the winter semester (30% of the module grade). The oral examination takes place for the lecture OHP (Occupational Health Psychology) in the summer semester (70% of the module grade). Form: oral examination lasting approx. 30 minutes; the examination can begin with an introductory topic of your choice (approx. 5 minutes) from the examination topics listed below. These introductory statements are also used to determine the grade. Subsequently, 3-4 further topics are randomly selected and examined.
Subject matter or examination topics: from the relevant lectures (see examination topics OHP)
Please note: A re-examination (both in HP1 and HP2) only takes place in the same semester of the following academic year. In rare and justified exceptional cases, this can be deviated from with an application.
For preparation, please use literature recommended by your teacher. The lecture slides and content should be your first priority when preparing for the exam. You should read the books in more detail, especially if something is unclear to you.