Aug 27, 2024; Talk
A hitchhiker’s guide to Ontology
Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden
Language Models have brought major breakthroughs in natural language processing. Notwithstanding this success, I will show that certain applications still need symbolic representations. I will then show how different methods (language models and others) can be harnessed to build such symbolic representations. I will also introduce our main project in this direction, the YAGO knowledge base. I will then talk about the incompleteness of knowledge bases. We have developed several techniques to estimate how much data is missing in a knowledge base, as well as rule mining methods to derive that data. I will then present our work on efficient querying of knowledge bases. Finally, I will talk about applications of knowledge bases in the domain of speech analysis and the digital humanities, as well as about our methods for explainable AI.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Simon Razniewski