Fortbildungsangebot auf Anfrage / SCHILF
Fortbildungen für Fachschaften und Kollegien (SchiLf) ermöglichen gemeinsame Lern- und Entwicklungsprozesse innerhalb einer Gruppe bzw. einer Schule. Sie können zum Beispiel im Rahmen von pädagogischen Tagen stattfinden. Die Lehrkräfteakademie bietet auf Anfrage Fortbildungen für Fachschaften und Kollegien zu fachbezogenen und fachübergreifenden Themen an. Nehmen Sie gern Kontakt zu uns auf.
Internal school training courses (SCHILF)
TU Dresden offers a wide range of training courses, from didactic or educational science impulses for lesson design to new findings from the subject sciences and current cross-cutting school topics.
The courses cover a wide range of formats, both face-to-face and digital. In addition to planned training courses (see training program), the range of content is also available to schools on request.
Take a look at our SCHILF offer or contact us with specific requests(SCHILF request).
Subject-specific further training
Modern and contemporary subject teaching benefits from the latest subject-specific didactic research, the use of new technologies and the latest findings in subject-specific science. School boards can gain insights into current research and development in the field of their subjects in internal, subject-specific training courses. The TU Dresden offers subject-specific training courses in subject didactics and related disciplines in various subject groups on request.
Educational science and school pedagogy
Educational science research can provide impulses for the evidence-based further development of teaching and schools. At TU Dresden, educational scientists, empirical educational researchers, psychologists, school educators and vocational educators, among others, work on researching teaching-learning processes and developing didactic innovations. On request, these can also become a training topic for your teaching staff. The content can be developed for specific school types as well as across school types.
School education is constantly evolving. One particular task is to take into account the key cross-cutting issues of our time. Schools are in the process of digitalization and teaching is also changing in terms of methods and content. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is undergoing a similarly comprehensive transformation. In addition, dealing adequately with the heterogeneity of learners is becoming increasingly important. With our offers, we support your work, promote skills and establish links to current scientific findings. You are welcome to take advantage of the further training courses on current cross-cutting topics for yourself and your staff.