Conference February 2010
In order to make statements about the quality of studies and about the whereabouts of alumni, the alumni studies are indispensable. Saxony, as one of the first federal states, introduced a state-wide study.
The Competence Center for Education and University Research (KfBH) of the Technische Universität Dresden held a conference on February 5th, 2010, with the title „Studium – Berufseinstieg – Arbeitsmarkt in Sachsen. Ergebnisse der ersten Sächsischen Absolventenstudie“. The results of the 2008/2009 study were presented in the context of a state and country-wide comparison. Topics included a retrospective rating of studies, the transition from university into a career, and the regional mobility of graduates in Saxony.
The event was primarily aimed towards Saxon higher education institutions, students, experts from the area of university research and interested members of the public.
Further Information
Conference program
Flyer about the study
Conference Presentations as PDFs
- Die bildungspolitische Bedeutung von Absolventenstudien (Prof. Dr. Andrä Wolter)
- Konzeption und Durchführung der Sächsischen Absolventenstudie (Claudia Reiche)
- Das Studium aus Sicht der Absolventinnen und -absolventen (Michaela Fuhrmann)
- Übergang vom Studium in den Beruf (Claudia Reiche)
- Regionale Mobilität aus bundesweiter Perspektive (Karl-Heinz Minks (HIS GmbH))
- Regionale Mobilität bayerischer Hochschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen (Dr. Susanne Falk (IHF))
- Regionale Mobilität sächsischer Hochschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen (Michaela Fuhrmann)