Quality analysis of an inclusive university
„Jeder Mensch ist anders verschieden und es ist „normal“, verschieden zu sein.“ (SMWK/Dr. Hähne, 2017: 23)
Second Project Phase: In-depth evaluation of a qualitative survey of students with health impairments to improve diversity sensitivity at the TU Dresden
Poject duration
Anreiz-Fond Gleichstellung und Diversity of the TU Dresden
Objective/Project description
Today there are more and more students with health impairments that make studying more difficult. This is particularly true for mental illnesses (BMBF 2017, p. 12). The frequency of this very problem makes it clear that the concept of barrier-free access must not only cover exclusively architectural obstacles. It also includes communicative, organisational, didactic, structural and intellectual approaches. In this respect, the opening up of universities is also a challenge for the design of study programmes.
The project aims to strengthen the TU Dresden as an inclusive university by providing recommendations for action based on existing interviews with students with disabilities. These are developed for the teaching staff, study programmes and the rectorate. They don't only address the structural barriers, but also the possible communication, organisational, didactic, structural and intellectual barriers. The project builds on the project "Systematic Integration of the topic of Inclusion in Data Collection and Surveys on Quality Management for Teaching and Learning at TU Dresden".
Project focus
- In-depth qualitative sociological evaluation of interviews with students with different health impairments regarding individually experienced barriers in access to studies, in everyday life at university and the relevant individual coping strategies.
- Structuring of the results with regard to overarching commonalities along the various dimensions of accessibility.
- Identification of problem areas and further development potentials with a view to the diversity sensitivity of the TU Dresden and its members. Formulation of corresponding recommendations for action for the TU Dresden as an inclusive university.
First Project Phase: Systematic Integration of the topic of Inclusion in Data Collection and Surveys on Quality Management for Teaching and Learning at TU Dresden
Poject duration
08/2017 – 12/2018
By the Sächsische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourimus (SMWKT) within the framework of the special funds Inclusion 2017
Objective/Project description
Dealing with diversity is one of the quality objectives for teaching and learning at the TU Dresden. One aspect of the implementation of diversity at universities, including equal opportunities and self-determined participation, concerns the inclusion of students with disabilities, chronic diseases and other health restrictions. Compared to others, this target group is very likely to face multiple barriers at the beginning of their studies as well as within their studies.
The first project phase is located in the action goal "quality management" in the sense of the Action Plan of the TU Dresden on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In close cooperation with the Staff Unit Diversity Management and the Advisory Council on Inclusion, the project aims at a demand-oriented optimization of measures through evaluation and assessment. The subject of the project is the quality analysis carried out by the ZQA, in which topic-specific aspects are to be integrated into the data collection. In addition to improving the identification of needs, the expanded focus on inclusion in the surveys should also raise awareness.
Project focus
- Systematic Integration of the topic of Inclusion in Data Collection and Surveys on Quality Management for Teaching and Learning at TU Dresden
- Development of a qualitative survey instrument for the extended identification of target group needs
- If possible, the systematic integration of the ZQA for quality assurance of the measures and projects of the TU Dresden action plan by means of adapted as well as independently developed survey instruments
The project also ties in with the Inclusive University research project already carried out by the ZQA in 2015. By means of the data evaluation within the framework of the student survey conducted by the ZQA, measures, needs and satisfaction of students with restrictions at the TU Dresden were analysed. Against this background, the conclusions for the further development of the offers as well as the analysis instruments form a suitable basis that needs to be expanded.
Project Management
Prof. Dr. Karl Lenz
Research Associates
Dipl.-Soz. Julia Güntzschel (first project phase, former staff member)
Juliane Kopitz (M.A., second project phase, former staff member)
Lenz, Karl; Rosenkranz, Dina; Scherber, Sandra (2015): Inklusive Hochschule. Datenauswertung im Rahmen der Studierendenbefragung des ZQA hinsichtlich Maßnahmen, Bedarfe und Zufriedenheit von Studierenden mit Einschränkungen an der TU Dresden. Zentrum für Qualitätsanalyse (Hrsg.). TU Dresden. [unveröffentlicht]
Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK) (2017): Auf dem Weg zur inklusiven Hochschule. Fachtagung vom 26.10.2016. Dresden. Online verfügbar unter: https://publikationen.sachsen.de/bdb/artikel/27790 [zuletzt geprüft am 13.09.2017]
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Soziales und Verbraucherschutz (SMS) (2017): Aktionsplan der Sächsischen Staatsregierung zur Umsetzung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (UN-BRK). Dresden. Online verfügbar unter: https://www.behindern.verhindern.sachsen.de/aktionsplan.html [zuletzt geprüft am 13.09.2017]
TU Dresden (2017): Aktionsplan der TU Dresden zur Umsetzung der UN-BRK. Dresden. Online verfügbar unter: https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/chancengleichheit/inklusion/aktionsplan [zuletzt geprüft am 13.09.2017]
Vereinte Nationen (2006): Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung. BRK. Online verfügbar unter: http://www.bmas.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/PDF-Publikationen/a729-un-konvention.pdf?__blob=publicationFile [zuletzt geprüft am 13.09.2017]