virTUos provides a framework for these coordinated sub-projects.
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Lasch (Professorship of German Linguistics and History of Language, Project Management)
- Robert C. Schuppe (project assistant)
- Marlene Wolf (project assistant)
- Jördis Römer (project assistant)
Digital Herrnhut is one of the subprojects in virTUos dedicated to the question of how the study of historical sources from the context of the Moravian Church can be didactically conveyed in the field of linguistics. In this way, it follows on from the previous projects DigitaLiS and TUD-COIIIL. Step by step, modular small curricula are being developed, which can be integrated into the master's program in Digital Humanities in the future. In addition, virtual excursions, workshops and conferences will be designed and carried out in the project. On the one hand, culturally relevant places in Eastern Saxony (Herrnhut/Berthelsdorf, Kleinwelka, Niesky), but also international cooperations play a central role. In this way it is tested how a multimedia teaching concept can bring students closer to connecting lines between regional historical and international aspects.
Anchoring digital, collaborative learning in international teaching at the TUD
DikoLint (Anchoring digital, collaborative learning in international teaching at the TUD)
DikoLint addresses two central fields of action of 21st century skills, which are to be intensively further developed and standardized in the virTUos network and thus made accessible for use by other network partners:
Collaborative learning on the basis of complex, open case studies with tele-tutorial support.
Internationalization of university teaching by implementing strategic goals of the TU Dresden on the operational level in digitized regular teaching, realizing virtual exchange on the basis of virtual mobility and enabling internationalization@home.
The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), on which DikoLint is based, is embedded in 4 dimensions of the VCL framework (Virtual Collaborative Learning) developed at the WIIM chair:
E-tutors for online learning process support and feedback.
Authentic case scenarios for online processing in internationally and interdisciplinary mixed small groups
Use of a collaborative platform that actively supports online group work
Social learning analytics for visual (dashboard) and communicative (conversational agent) processing of information about interaction processes.
Agile Innovation Team Collaboration & Internationalization: Digital Herrnhut.
Development of training concepts for teachers and tutors: TutoringHybrid, sTUDents
Mutual testing of learning analytics, conversational agents and VR/AR applications: HybParc.
Social network profiles:
Experimental room for digital media competence
- Prof. Dr. Simon Meier-Vieracker (Chair of Applied Linguistics, Project Leader)
- Yannick Frommherz (Project Assistant)
- Anne Josefine Matz (Student Project Assistant)
In the ExDiMed project, we are experimenting with blended learning formats for teaching digital skills in dealing with media and data. The focus is on the conception and development of programming courses in Python and R, which are particularly oriented towards the needs of humanities students. We are building on an existing, successful programming course for linguists and will extend it to students of other subjects (such as history, communication studies, and arts). Interactive modules are planned in Jupyter Lab (a web-based, interactive development environment), in which students can acquire digital media skills. The modules will teach programming basics (data types, control structures, etc.) as well as application-specific know-how. Students will thus be enabled to collect and develop their own data (web scraping), to prepare this data (preprocessing), to analyse it depending on the problem and to visualise it. In addition to interdisciplinary programming skills, competences for answering subject-specific questions (e.g. from the field of history) will also be taught. Alongside the tutorial-like modules at Jupyter Lab, we will implement further interactive formats such as "hackathons". In the medium term, the developed formats will be anchored in the Master's programme in Digital Humanities.
Hybrid interactive self-learning, training and examination course
- Ingo Röder (Professorship of Medical Statistics and Biometry, Head of Carus Teaching Center CarL, Project Management)
- Doreen Pretze (project coordinator Carus Teaching Center)
- Marie-Christin Willemer (head of Medical Interprofessional Training Center MITZ, team leader)
- Eva Bibrack (project assistant)
- Claudia Perge (project assistant)
- Hanna Hoffmann (project assistant IT, Technology)
- Tom-Maurice Schreiber (student project assistant)
In the HybParc subproject, hybrid interactive self-learning, training and examination courses are being developed for use within the existing teaching of an established medical-interprofessional context. With the help of video recordings and sensor data, a (partially) automated analysis of courses of action is made possible and learners are given feedback on the performance of the corresponding practical skill. In this way, students will be given the opportunity to use training and self-learning opportunities individually according to their own potentials and deficits, and also to develop digital skills.
Development of teaching concepts for digital and hybrid internships
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Stefan Odenbach (Professorship of Magnetofluid Dynamics, Measurement and Automation Technology, Project Management)
- Ruslan Sadretdinov (student project assistant)
PraktikaHybrid (development of teaching concepts for digital and hybrid practical courses).
In recent years, many ideas for digital or hybrid delivery of lectures have been implemented. So far, however, there are few approaches for digital or hybrid internships. The goal of the PraktikaHybrid subproject is to develop new concepts for internships in mechanical engineering courses that can be attended by several hundred participants.
The first approach is to have students carry out internships at home instead of on campus, using materials provided. With the help of a new didactic concept, independent working methods are supported and students are introduced to scientific practice. The project character of the internships is intended to promote error understanding, the ability to develop and experimentally implement experiments, and the critical handling of data.
The second approach allows students to participate in internships from home. The focus here is primarily on systems and machines at the TU Dresden that were previously inaccessible to students for organizational or safety reasons. With telepresence robots, which are remotely controlled by students, even large groups can visit test stands and communicate with staff on site via the robot.
In order to check whether the learning objectives have been achieved and to continuously develop the teaching materials, each event is evaluated by the participants afterwards.
Student-oriented digital learning and teaching
- Henriette Greulich (Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, Project Management)
- Maike Krohn (project assistant)
- Anne Jantos (project assistant)
- Lydia Kilz (project assistant)
- Sabrina Hänsel (student project assistant)
- Victoria Helbig (student project assistant)
- Nora Hofmann (student project assistant)
- Luisa Klatte (student project assistant)
- Clara Müller (student project assistant)
sTUDents (student-oriented digital learning and teaching)
In the subproject sTUDents at the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, we focus on two main topics:
On the one hand, we focus on the conception, testing and evaluation of a student-oriented qualification program for teaching basic didactic and digital competencies to students as well as the transfer and sustainable provision of the developed formats via OEP/OER. At the same time, we will expand the networks between the subprojects, survey their university and media didactic needs and address them in our qualification program. In this way, we will accompany and advise all developments in the subprojects from a didactic and student-related perspective. sTUDents represents a further development of the shift from teaching to learning that is appropriate for the digital age: Students create and design their own learning processes in a self-determined manner and in collaboration with teachers. The extent to which this succeeds is evaluated scientifically.
- Prof. Dr. Ingo Röder (Professorship of Medical Statistics and Biometry, Head of Carus Teaching Center CarL, Project Management)
- Doreen Pretze (project coordinator Carus Teaching Center)
- Marie-Christin Willemer (head of Medical Interprofessional Training Center MITZ, team leader)
- Anne Röhle (project assistant)
- Jonas Mailach (student project assistant)
In the TelePresence subproject, particular attention is paid to the aspect of inclusive distance learning within the framework of existing practical teaching formats. The establishment of a new learning location through the use of telepresence robots opens up a variety of opportunities for students to participate in teaching/learning processes. Learning thus becomes more flexible and less dependent on a fixed place of learning. This not only makes the teaching of practical skills more efficient and inclusive, but also promotes the development of digital skills among students.
- Henriette Greulich (Leitung des Zentrums für interdisziplinäres Lernen und Lehren, Projektleitung)
- Melanie Ludwig (Research Associate at the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW), Project Management)
- Michelle Pippig (student project assistant)
- Pauline Thamm (student project assistant)
- Anne Seipel (student project assistant)
TUTORING hybrid (Hybrid teaching-learning scenarios in tutorials, exercises and practical courses)
In the sub-project TUTORING hybrid, hybrid teaching-learning scenarios in tutorials, exercises and practical courses are identified, didactically analyzed, interdisciplinarily developed further and prepared as OEP. The focus is on the competence development of teachers in interactive hybrid tutorials, tele-tutorials (DikoLint, DigitalHerrnhut), exercises, laboratory and machine practicals (PraktikaHybrid), with the aim of transferring them to the entire university. Qualification modules are built, tested and provided within the innovation teams to ensure subject specificity and close practical relevance. Innovative teaching-learning settings that have been analyzed or developed in the context of virTUos are included. The target group of tutors is so significant here because they combine both perspectives in their dual role as students and teachers and, as "teaching learners", build up additional competencies in this regard. In addition, they are developers and multipliers of OEP in virTUos. In the context of the TUTORING project at the Center for Continuing Education, relevant results were achieved and experiences were made in this regard, which serve as a starting point for further development:
- A collection of partly hybrid tutorials and internships - called "teaching designs".
- Implementation of a hybrid session in the context of the tutor:in qualification in mechanical engineering.
Website: TUTORING hybrid