Dec 03, 2019
Dresdner Brückenbausymposium feiert runden Geburtstag
The Dresden Bridge Building Symposium traditionally takes place every year in the second week of March. Interesting topics and stable visitor numbers in the four-digit range characterize this ideal meeting point for the exchange of experience on planning, construction, repair and upgrading of bridges for all those involved in and interested in construction. On 10 March next year the meeting, rich in tradition and initiated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke, will celebrate its 30th edition. Several specialist contributions by renowned engineers will provide insights into impressive projects and show construction-specific solutions.
The evening before, the German Bridge Building Award 2020 will be presented. Since 2006, this prize has been awarded by the Federal Chamber of Engineers (BIngK) and the Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI). It is one of the most important awards for civil engineers in Germany and is presented every two years.
In addition to the award ceremony and the lectures, a company exhibition with more than 70 companies, associations, federations and institutions around bridge construction will provide an informative framework in the foyer of the lecture hall centre of the TU Dresden.
The conference programme and registration can be found on the conference website.
Contact | Contact person
Angela Heller | Telefon: +49 351 463-33079