Jun 18, 2018
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2018

Die Lange nacht der Wissenschaften 2018 bei den Bauingenieuren. Schon kurz nach dem offiziellen Start herrschte dichtes Gedränge an den 14 Stationen für den Juniorbaumeister 2018.
It is not longer than other nights - rather colorful, louder, more interesting and filled with a lot of life on the streets and squares. It is the night in which the science location Dresden with a lot of small actions, experiments, lectures and experiments presented to a broad public.
Between venerable university buildings and state-of-the-art laboratories on the Dresden campus, there is a very special atmosphere every year for the Long Night of the Sciences in the air. 39,000 visitors were there to get new insights into the Dresden research landscape, many of them also looked at our civil engineers. Once again, the interest in the glass trampoline was to control even a real excavator, to make the junior master builder or to frolic in the starch bath.