Dec 07, 2021
Promotion Dirk Reischl
On 07.12.2021, Mr Dirk Reischl successfully defended his scientific thesis within the framework of the doctoral procedure with the topic "Discrete element simulations of the multi-axial damage behaviour of concrete".
The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a new, old method based on Newton's laws, made practicable by the rapid development of computational technology over the past fifty years. Identical in principle to molecular dynamics and the so-called gas kinetic simulation method, the discrete element method is ideally suited to the study of such systems that arise from the pairwise interaction of a large number of identical or different objects. Effects can be observed that cannot be explained by the properties of the individual particles alone, but are the result of discontinuity, non-linearity and multiple interactions, one speaks of the phenomenon of emergence or superadditivity.
In a series of principle sketches and detailed studies, the dissertation sets out which fields of application arise from the method of discrete elements with regard to current problems in the research area of granular media and cohesive friction materials. The work contains a complete appendix of formulas and programmes, which makes it possible to reproduce all simulations and to experiment with the method independently.
Due to its simplicity and clarity, the method is suitable for use in school and university education and to introduce pupils and students to the fascinating field of studying complex systems, which is a key to understanding the material world.
In addition to the chairman of the doctoral committee, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ivo Herle (TU Dresden), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Manfred Curbach (Technische Universität Dresden) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Bischoff (University of Stuttgart) were present as reviewers. Prof. Dr. Christian Louter (Technische Universität Dresden) was also present as a member of the doctoral committee.
Dr. Falk Wittel (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) was also present via video conference.
We warmly congratulate Mr Dirk Reischl on completing his doctorate and wish him all the best and much success for the future.