Fundamentals of reinforced concrete construction (water management) (BWA14)
Table of contents
This course is only offered in the summer semester.
General information

Research Group Leader
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Silke Scheerer
Quality Assurance and PR
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Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Technische Universität Dresden - Institute of concrete structures
Visiting address:
BEY Beyer-Bau, Floor 0, Room E 35 George-Bähr-Str. 1
01069 Dresden
You can find working material here OPAL.
2 SWS lecture and 2 SWS tutorial, offered every summer semester.
The course is offered as an export for students in the bachelor's degree program in water resources management. It is part of the elective course of study.
Mathematics, basic knowledge of statics and strength of materials.
Lecture content:
The lectures and exercises impart knowledge of reinforced concrete construction according to DIN 1045-1. The lectures deal with essential topics from design, construction and typical applications of reinforced concrete as a building material in hydraulic engineering. The corresponding exercises deal with the respective topic on the basis of a calculation example. As part of the course, simple structural components are designed to deepen and consolidate the application. In addition, a visit to a construction site and a laboratory visit are planned.
Introduction to reinforced concrete What is reinforced concrete? History of reinforced concrete construction, advantages of reinforced concrete construction |
Safety theoretical basics Design concepts according to DIN 1045-1, safety concepts according to DIN 1055-100, load assumptions, action combinations (DIN 1055-1, DIN 1055-3 and others) |
Basics of linear elastic internal force analysis Idealization of structures, determination of moment and shear forces, statically determinate and statically indeterminate systems, typical internal forces in hydraulic engineering, internal force corrections |
Material properties Concrete and its constituents, reinforcing steel, bond between concrete and steel, stress-strain curves, influences on the strength of concrete, determination of a characteristic value |
Durability Environmental influences and exposure classes, concrete cover |
Bending design of reinforced concrete cross sections Theory of bending design, useful height, strain relations, design diagrams and tables for rectangular cross sections, approximation method (stress block) |
Shear force design of reinforced concrete cross sections Principal and normal stresses, theory of truss models, structural members without computed shear reinforcement, structural members with computed shear reinforcement, minimum shear reinforcement |
Design of columns (model column method) Theory II. Second-order theory, concept of slenderness, Euler cases, model support method, design aids (interaction diagrams), minimum reinforcement |
Verifications in the serviceability limit state Deformation, stress and crack width limitation, minimum reinforcement, initiation of cracks, initial crack and completed crack pattern, concept of constraining stresses, stresses in early concrete age |
Reinforcement of reinforced concrete components General design rules and rules for special components, types and presentation of reinforcement, processing of steel bars, construction of reinforcement cages, preparation of reinforcement sketches, tensile force cover and anchorage |
Water impermeable concrete structures Water impermeable concrete, moisture transport through concrete, proof of water impermeability, structures made of waterproof concrete - white tank and black tank concept, joints |
Prestressed concrete Concept, types of prestressing, properties, special features and application examples |
The exercises deal with the respective topic on the basis of a calculation example. During the exercises, a simple reinforced concrete component is designed. The exercises can be downloaded before the respective exercise.
- Exercise 1: Internal forces on the DLT and combination of actions (incl. load assumptions)
- Exercise 2: Exposure classes and concrete cover
- Exercise 3: Bending design with tables and by approximation methods
- Exercise 4: Shear force design
- Exercise 5: Column design (model column method)
- Exercise 6: Crack width limitation and limitation of bending slenderness
- Exercise 7: Tensile force design, anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement and reinforcement sketching
As part of the course, each student must complete a voucher consisting of several subtasks. The voucher deals with topics that have been taught in the lectures and exercises. The sub-tasks must be handed in 14 days after the completion of the treatment of the corresponding topic in the exercise. Each student must receive credit for at least 6 of 7 possible homework assignments in order to be admitted to the examination. The slips will be defended in a 1-hour discussion at the end of the semester. Successful defense is also a requirement for admission to the exam.
It is desirable that a student of the year agrees to check the assignments against a sample solution (contract as SHK possible for about 20 h).
- Assignment, general part
- Task 1: Internal forces and load combinations
- Task 2: Exposure classes and concrete cover
- Task 3: Bending design
- Task 4: Shear force design
- Task 5: Column design (model column method)
- Task 6: Bending slenderness limitation, crack width limitation
- Task 7: Reinforcement design
Examination at the end of the summer term: theory and calculation part, duration 120 min, all documents are accepted
Examination requirements: Acceptance of 6 homework assignments and successful defense of the document.
Literature / Material
- Silke Scheerer, Dirk Proske: Stahlbeton for Beginners. 1. Auflage, Dresden : Eigenverlag, 2005 – ISBN-13: 978-3000155239
Buch ist vergriffen. Ersatzweise bieten wir die erste Auflage zusammen mit einer Druckfehlerkorrektur als PDF-Datei an. Login und Passwort werden in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben. - Silke Scheerer, Dirk Proske: Stahlbeton for Beginners. 2. Auflage, Berlin : Springer, 2008, 284 S., 179 Abb., Softcover, ISBN-13: 978-3-540-76976-7 (Druckausgabe), 978-3-540-76977-4 (Online Ausgabe) – doi:10.1007/978-3-540-76977-4
- Zilch, Zehetmaier: Bemessung im konstruktiven Betonbau. Nach DIN 1045-1 und DIN EN 1992-1-1 . 2. Auflage, Berlin : Springer, 2008, 284 S., 179 Abb., Softcover, ISBN-13: 978-3-540-20650-7 (Druckausgabe), 978-3-540-30953-6 (Online) – doi:10.1007/3-540-30953-5
Standardwerk zur Grundlagen der Bemessung, sehr gut lesbar und veständlich geschrieben und mit Bezug zur aktuellen Norm. - Fritz Leonhardt, Eduard Mönnig: Vorlesungen über Massivbau. Teil 1: Grundlagen zur Bemessung im Stahlbetonbau. 3., völlig neubearb. u. erw. Aufl., Heidelberg : Springer, 1984, 361 S. – ISBN: 978-3-540-12786-4
Standardwerk zur Standardfällen der Bemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen. Normative Bezüge sind leider veraltet, aber das Buch ist äußerst verständlich geschrieben und im Bestand der SLUB. - Fritz Leonhardt, Eduard Mönnig: Vorlesungen über Massivbau. Teil 3: Grundlagen zum Bewehren im Stahlbetonbau. 3. Aufl., Heidelberg : Springer, 1977, 246 S. – ISBN: 978-3-540-08121-0
Standardwerk zur Standardfällen zum Bewehren von Stahlbetonbauteilen. Normative Bezüge sind leider veraltet, aber das Buch ist äußerst verständlich geschrieben und im Bestand der SLUB. - Fritz Leonhardt, Eduard Mönnig: Vorlesungen über Massivbau. Teil 5: Spannbeton. Heidelberg : Springer, 1980, 296 S. – ISBN: 978-3-540-10070- 6
Standardwerk zur Spannbetonbauweise. Normative Bezüge sind leider veraltet, aber das Buch ist äußerst verständlich geschrieben und im Bestand der SLUB. - Materialien für die Belegbearbeitung. Login und Passwort werden in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben.