Bridge construction live © Stefan Gröschel, IMB TUD Studenten bei der praktischen Übung mit Hängemodellen © Stefan Gröschel

Studying at the Institute of Concrete Structures

At our institute, mostly courses in Civil Engineering and Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS) are supervised. In addition, we offer teaching in a interdisciplinary environment for the study programs water management, teaching post vocational school and industrial engineering.

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Tafelbild © Ulrich van Stipriaan

Examination Office Faculty of Civil Engineering

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In order to contribute to a successful infrastructure offensive with excellent interdisciplinary research and training, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx took up the DB Netz AG – Endowed Professorship for Civil Engineering at our Institute of Concrete Structures in spring 2020. DB Netz AG will finance this professorship for five years. We expected to provide a wide range of impetus, particularly in terms of infrastructure monitoring and maintenance, as well as highly qualified young talent. Current railway-specific topics are dealt with in the newly developed module BIW4-80 "Construction in Railway Operations".

On January 1, 2024, the PD-Endowed Chair of Resource-Efficient Building Design was filled by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yvonne Ciupak. This has created the prerequisite for sustainability aspects to become increasingly important in IMB teaching in the future.