IRIS – Improvement of the Resilience of InfraStructures (UA TU Dresden)
The junior research group IRIS, in cooperation with the TU and HTW Dresden, researches the behavior of different building types in the event of natural hazards from weather, climate and floods. The basis is the assessment of the probability of failure of individual structural elements and their impact on other systems. The special feature lies in the interdisciplinary consideration. Natural events affect the type and size of the stress, but also influence the material resistance. The quantification of these processes and the development of forecasting methods are the technical focal points of the project. It also investigates how transient load conditions develop and how structures behave when the originally based design assumptions are exceeded. The prognosis of future conditions is based on selected scenarios. In addition to numerical simulations, concepts for test loads and model tests are developed and processes for upgrading are conceptually developed. The results are to be made available to decision-makers and local citizens. This includes demonstrations using reference examples, demonstrations and discussion events. Regional symposia are organized and carried out jointly by the young researchers. The content is the presentation of the working methods and the status of the work. The symposia serve as a platform for discussion and help strengthen the group's social and communicative skills.