Presentations at the 2nd Tharandt Forest Protection Colloquium
"Status, Possibilities and Perspectives of close-to-nature and insecticide-free measures for the regulation of potential biotic risk factors in forests"
on October 25th, 2016
10:00 a. m.
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller, TU Dresden
Welcome and opening
10:20 a. m.
Prof. Dr. Curt Majunke, HNE Eberswalde
Prophylaxis and therapy of forest damage in former times and today – A historical overview
11:00 a. m.
Dr. Katrin Möller, LFE Brandenburg
Current mass outbreaks of phyllophagous insect species in Brandenburg - Side effects of the use as well as the regulation of plant protection product applications
11:40 a. m.
Dr. Annette Herz, JKI Darmstadt
Examples for the use of beneficial arthropods and entomophagous nematods in the open agricultural ecosystems excluding forests
01:30 p. m.
Christiane Helbig, TU Dresden & Dr. Michael Wehnert, OGF Sachsen
Allochthonous kairomones as a close-to-nature option for the regulation of insects using the example of bark beetles
02:10 p. m.
Richard Georgi, TU Dresden
Beneficial arthropods in the close-to-nature regulation of potential pest insects in short rotation coppices
02:50 p. m.
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller, TU Dresden
Chances of a consequently implemented goal-oriented hunting including a synchronisation of the legal hunting period and pursued hunting in the forest