Title, content and qualification objectives
Title: Applied basics on biotic risk factors in forests.
Content: Basics on biology and ecology for the identification, monitoring, prognosis and regulation of potential biotic risk factors in forests.
Qualification objectives: Students will be able to link applied basics of chemistry, wildlife ecology, phytophathology and forest protection, to understand the biology and ecology of important species, to identify fundamental species and related objects, to apply measures for identification, monitoring, prognosis and regulation of potential biotic risk factors and to convey forest protection issues to a professional and political level.
Teaching and learning types
- 3.0 SWS lecture
- 1.0 SWS practice
- individual study
Requirements for attendance
Knowledge on autecology and synecology of important forest tree species as well as on biological processes and habitat usage of flora and fauna in forests, an understanding of complex biological-ecological relationsships as well as the ability to record and interpret the anatomy, morphology and physiology of plants and animals as taught in the FOBF 03-04, FOBF 06 und FOBF 13 modules.
This module is mandatory in the Forest Sciences bachelor degree.
Requirements for credit points
Credit points are received, if the module's exam is passed. This exam consists of:
- a practical/written exam on the knowledge of species (60 minutes) and
- an written exam (150 minutes).
Credit points and grades
Students can gain 5 ECTS by passing this module. The module grade is calculated by the weighted average of the two exam parts:
- 30% practical/written exam on the knowledge of species and
- 70% written exam.
Module frequency and duration
This one-semester module is offered in each summer semester.
The total workload is 150 hours.