Profile of the Chair
The Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistics of the Institute of Logistics and Aviation at the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences offers the focused education as Transportation Engineers specialised in the field of aviation (Dipl.-Ing.) and on graduate studies as Master of Air Transport and Logistics (M. Sc.) . Students of aerospace engineering, computer sciences, civil engineering, economics and transport are very welcome to be our regular guests as well. The lectures comprehensively cover technological fundamentals of the aircraft itself, its engines and its operational environment. In addition, process-driven knowledge on the topics of airline management, cockpit technologies and procedures, airport processes, aviation safety and security as well as environmental impact is imparted. The Chair of Air Transport Technology and Logistics takes an active role in DFG (German Research Foundation) funded basic research, but also in applied research in the fields of flight profile optimisation, process control at airports and safety assessment in flight control and guidance.
Chairholder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Fricke is member of several international review committees of recognised publication organs and symposiums of Eurocontrol, FAA, PWH, International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) and CEAS. Furthermore, Prof. Fricke is also member of the academic advisory council of the Ministry of Transport BMVI and, since February 2013, he has been holding the status of an External Expert for the Single European Sky Joint Undertaking (SJU).
In January 2013, Prof. Fricke was elected Dean of the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden. In Summer 2013, he became member of the editorial board of the Journal "International Verkehrswesen". In 2014 he was appointed Representative for "Air Transport" for TU Dresden in the German-wide University cooperation program "DLR@TU9" between the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany DLR und the existing 9 technical universities in Germany. In 2015 he became member of the Senate of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V." (DGLR) - Wissenschaftlich-Technische Vereinigung."
Dielectrophoretic Growth of Platinum Nanowires: Concentration and Temperature Dependence of the Growth Velocity , 15 May 2012, In: Langmuir. 28, 19, p. 7498-7504, 7 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article