Sven Lißner
Table of contents
Dr.-Ing. Sven Lißner
Group Leader Cycling/Bikelab
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Chair of Transport Ecology
Chair of Transport Ecology
Visiting address:
Potthoffbau, POT/ 8B Hettnerstraße 1
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Please arrange an appointment via mail or phone.
Research topics and focal points
- Cycling - collection, plausibility check and evaluation of GPS data as a planning tool
- Cycling traffic planning and analysis of cycling behavior
- Safety in cycling traffic
- Electric and micromobility - life cycle analysis of mobility systems
- Emissions in road traffic - collection of measurement data with particulate matter and noise measuring devices on mobile measurement carriers
Research projects
Current research projects
- Cycling behavior in Germany RiD. Comparative analysis of cycling behavior in German cities using GPS trajectories from the STADTRADELN campaign. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of a research grant. Together with Dr. Iryna Okhrin and Dr. Stefan Huber. 2023-2025.
- MOVE:ON - Cycling data for Germany. App-supported collection and evaluation of cycling data in Germany. Together with the cooperation partners flow.d GmbH and Klima-Bündnis e.V., route data is collected as part of the STADTRADELN campaign. Research contents are the conception of a panel evaluation and the extrapolation of the collected data to the average daily (DTV) bicycle traffic volume of a year. BMDV 01/2022 - 12/2024. >>Project coordinator<<
Completed research projects
- Space2Ride - Measurement of lateral overtaking distances to cyclists. In the city of Leipzig, together with the cooperation partner Dashfactory GmbH, the lateral overtaking distances to cyclists are measured using a dashcam. Critical infrastructure combinations will then be analyzed and the risk of close overtaking will be modeled across the network. The project is funded by the BMVI as part of the mFUND initiative. 2021-2022 >>Project coordinator<<
- SCONE - Usability of e-scooter usage data. Cooperation project with the Chair of Traffic and Transportation Psychology and Cyface GmbH. In the study area of the city of Dresden, source and destination traffic volumes of electric scooters are collected. Source-destination pairings are then routed to predict network occupancy and compared with real test drives. The project is funded by the BMVI as part of the mFUND initiative. 2021-2022.
E-WIN - Efficient winter service on cycling facilities in German cities using the example of the city of Hamburg. Sub-project evaluation, funded on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP). In cooperation with the Chairs of Traffic and Transportation Psychology at TU Dresden and the Hamburg City Cleaning Department. 2019-2022 >>Sub-project coordinator<<
mFUND MOVEBIS - Evaluation of crowdsourced data to improve municipal bicycle infrastructure. Project coordination, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, in cooperation with the Chair of Computer Networks and the Climate Alliance, 2017-2020. >>Project coordinator<<
- IntegRADtion - Integration on two wheels. Evaluation and further development of integrative cycling measures for people with migration experience in Germany (2018-2020). The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP).
Evaluation of the bike sharing scheme in Copenhagen. Contract research for Donkey Republic. (2020-2021) >>Project coordinator<<
- RadVerS - Behavioral data generated with smartphones in traffic - differentiation of user behavior of different cyclist groups. 2018-2019 The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP). >>Project coordinator<<
- Behavioral data generated with smartphones in cycling - usability review and development of an evaluation guide for stakeholders in cycling planning, TU Dresden, Chair of Transport Ecology, 2015 -2017. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP) >>Project Coordinator<<
- Master plan campus design, sub-project: Development and orientation, in cooperation with the Institute of Landscape Architecture, commissioned by the University Executive Board of TU Dresden, 2018.
- EmiLippe - Electromobility in Lippe - Development of an ecological evaluation approach for SmartGrid solutions and mobility management approaches, TU Dresden, District of Lippe, 2016.
- eCarsharing for commercial customers (Schaufenster Elektromobilität); study commissioned by the BMWi with Stadtmobil Hannover and Ernst & Young Stuttgart, TU Dresden, Chair of Transport Ecology, 2013 - 2015.
- EBALD Electromobility in waste management areas of the City of Dresden (Electromobility Showcase) Study commissioned by the SMWAV with the Chair of Communication Acoustics (Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TUD), Stadtreinigung Dresden GmbH and HTW Dresden, Chair of Transport Ecology, TU Dresden, 2013 - 2015.
- ENUBA 2 The Friedrich List Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences at TU Dresden, together with Siemens AG, Infrastructure and Cities Sector, Mobility and Logistics Division, is researching the possibilities for the electrification of heavy goods vehicle traffic on trunk roads.
- Traffic forecasts in Saxony; study commissioned by the BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament, TU Dresden, Chair of Transport Ecology, 2013.
Friend or foe? A spatial approach to overlay bicycle and scooter trajectories , 4 Jun 2024, In: European transport research review. 16 (2024), 1, 9 p., 32Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Mobilität von Radfahrenden in Deutschland - Nutzerbefragung im Rahmen der Kampagne Stadtradeln 2023 , 2024, In: Verkehrsökologische Schriftenreihe. 2024, 18Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Friend or foe? A special approach to overlay bicycle and scooter trajectories , Dec 2023, In: Transportation Research Procedia. 72, p. 3593-3600, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Safe cycling in winter: Results of a case study on the role of de-icing in the city of Hamburg, Germany , Dec 2023, In: Journal of safety research. 87, p. 244-256, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Influence of the cycling campaign CITY CYCLING on cycling behaviour in Germany , 2023, 17 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to conferences > Paper
Pathways to more space. What factors influence the lateral distance of overtaking vehicles from cyclists? , 2023, In: Transportation Research Procedia. 72, Vol 72, p. 3585-3592, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Conference article
Welche Einflussfaktoren eignen sich für die Typisierung von Radfahrer*innen mittels GPS-Daten? Ein Ansatz zur Kalibrierung von Self-Selected-Samples , Mar 2022, 178 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Types of Thesis > Doctoral thesis
Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume , 1 Jan 2022, In: Accident analysis and prevention. 164, 106470Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Facing the needs for clean bicycle data – a bicycle-specific approach of GPS data processing , 1 Dec 2021, In: European transport research review. 13, 1, 8Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Big Data im Radverkehr : Teil II , 20 Sep 2021Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Book/Report/Anthology > Commissioned evaluation or assessment report
- Lißner, S. [2024]: Lecture series "Active mobility - walking and cycling in the city" TU Vienna, "From the crowd to the cycle path - GPS data in cycle traffic planning" 29.05.2024.
- Lißner, S. [2024]: "Gender and age gap in waiting times at signalized intersections - are groups of cyclists structurally disadvantaged?" Transportation Research Arena, Dublin, 15.04.2024.
- Lißner, S. [2023]: "MoveOn: A Projekt to develop a bicycle data platform, which is capable to distribute nationwide cycling data", Velo City 2023 - Session: Inside Germany: From car to cycling nation?, Leipzig 10.05.2023.
- Lißner S. [2022]: "Impact of the CITY CYCLING campaign on daily traffic behavior of participants", European Transport Conference (ETC), 2022 Milan.
Lißner, S. [2021]: Lecture series "Sustainability and Infrastructure" Bauhaus University Weimar, "Cycling for Infrastructure - How cyclists can help with bicycle traffic planning" 22.04.202.
- Lißner, S. [2021]: Lecture series "Active Mobility" TU Vienna, "GPS data from cyclists - analysis and use cases in planning" 14.04.2021 Link to event
- Lißner. S [2019]: "Crowdsourcing in bicycle traffic planning - possibilities and limits of big data". Central German Cycling Conference Leipzig, 26.08.2019.
- Lißner, S. [2019]: "How to interpret Big Data in cycling context - results of a representative cycling study". Velo City, Dublin, 28.06.2019 Slide set here
- Lißner, S. [2018]; "Utility of GPS data for Urban Bicycle Transport Planning in Germany - potential, limitations, prospects". Velo City, Rio de Janeiro, 15.6.2018.
- Lißner, S.; Francke, A.; (2017) "How can bicycle planning benefit from smartphone based data? A validation of data collection approaches." International Cycling Conference (ICC), Mannheim 19.09.2017.
- Lißner, S.; (2017) "Behavioral data generated with smartphones in bicycle traffic"
DVWG Central Germany Annual Conference, Magdeburg 14.09.2017. - Lißner, S.; (2017) How can bicycle planning benefit from smartphone based data? Or how can bicycle planning benefit from smartphone EUROBIKE ACADEMY, Eurobike Friedrichshafen, 31.08.2017.
- Francke A. Lißner, S.; (2017) How can bicycle planning benefit from smartphone based data? Speed Data Round, Velocity Nijmegen 2017.
- Becker, T; Francke, A; Lißner, S. (2016): Presentation of the project "Behavioral data generated with smartphones in bicycle traffic - Review of usability and development of an evaluation guide" at the 35th meeting of the Federal and State Working Group (BLAK) on Bicycle Traffic, 06.04.2016, Dresden.
- Lißner, S.; Franke, A. (2016): GPS data in bicycle traffic - crowdsourcing as a new approach for the demand-oriented planning process, 25th Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage 2016, Dresden 17.03.2016.
- Lißner, S. (2015): eCarsharing for commercial customers, 43rd Transport Planning and Transport Ecology Colloquium, Dresden 02.12.2015.
- Lißner, S.; SIANO, J.(2015): eCarsharing für Gewerbekunden, Schaufensterübergreifender Praxisworkshop "eCarsharing und Flotteneinsatz", Berlin( 05.11.2015.
- Gläser, N.; Lißner, S.(2015): eCarsharing for commercial customers, New Mobility World, IAA Cars 2015 Frankfurt 22.09.2015.
- Hartung, F.; Lißner, S.; Schemmel, A. (2014); Elektrifizierung des Schwerlastverkehrs - Wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung an der TU Dresden, 24. Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage 2014 21.03.2014.
- Dresden Institute for Transport and Environment(DIVU e.V.)
- FGSV working group 2.5.6 Quantification of bicycle traffic
- Scientific advisory board of Wegebund Sachsen(Wegebund)
- Member Faculty Board Faculty of Transport TU Dresden
- Lecture on transport ecology (alternative drives, alternative micromobility, air pollutants and transport policy)
- Traffic ecology seminar: Survey methods in cycling traffic