Equality Opportunities and Diversity
Table of contents
Information and Counselling Services
The Diversity and Inclusion page gives an overview of diversity and equality Opportunities at the entire TU Dresden.
The Advisory and Counseling Resources at TU Dresden: Gender Equality and Balancing Work and Family Life summarizes the existing counseling services and helps to quickly find the right contact person. The Advisory and Counseling services covers the topics of work-life balance, career planning, and conflict and psychological counseling.
Funding Programmes
- Equality and Diversity Incentive Fund: Financial resources for innovative ideas to promote equality and diversity at the TU Dresden.
- Initiatives at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering: In order to increase the proportion of female academic staff as well as female professors, junior professors and women with completed habilitation procedures and junior research group leaders, the school's equal opportunities team has initiated various financial support options.
- WHAT'S NEXT? A 12-month qualification and networking programme for female postdocs to support them in acquiring interdisciplinary skills and their next career step.
- Maria Reiche Postdoctoral Fellowships: Support for female postdocs to independently apply for a third-party funded project in order to qualify for an academic career with the aim of becoming a professor.
- FEMTEC: A training and coaching programme for female STEM stundents. Within the programme important competencies for a future leadership role in business and/or science are taught.
- Women@DDc Network: A network to improve the networking and visibility of female scientists of all status groups and female science managers within the DRESDEN-concept research network.
- FUN* - The Women Environmental Network: FUN* aims to promote the exchange of experiences between students, doctoral candidates and teachers and organizes a series of networking and educational events for this purpose.
The Equal Opportunities Officers are committed to equal opportunities. They are the contact persons for employees and students and also provide confidential and individual advice in conflict situations and on professional decisions.
Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty
Ms Dr. Martina Pieperhoff
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Complaints Office of the TU Dresden
At TU Dresden, respectful and appreciative interactions with one another are promoted in a variety of ways every day. Therefore, the TU Dresden disapproves of any form of (sexualized) harassment, discrimination and violence and has, among other things, established a complaints office which those affected can contact.
Violations of applicable law or internal regulations, such as rules, statutes or instructions, can be reported anonymously via TU Dresden's reporting portal. Information on this can be found on the TU Dresden Compliance Management pages.