Core Modules Business Education and Management Training
If in Study Track I, you must acquire at least ten credit points from the core modules in Business Education and Management Training. The following options are available, all earning five credit points each:
2nd Semester
- Current Issues in Organizational Learning (Aktuelle Fragen des organisationalen Lernens)
You will deal with the most essential terms, theories, and current research results on the topic of "organizational learning" and critically question them. Based on this knowledge, you will analyze organizations and develop measures to promote learning in them.
- Current Issues in the Theory and Practice of Commercial Training and Continuing Education (Aktuelle Fragen in der Theorie und Praxis der kaufmännischen Aus- und Weiterbildung)
The module deals with current issues in commercial training and continuing education theory and practice. The focus may vary depending on current developments.
- Special Issues in Business Didactics (Spezielle Fragen der Wirtschaftsdidaktik)
This module covers important issues relating to planning and designing courses for initial and continuing business education in school and company contexts. Considering the unique features of the various learning venues, you will recognize potential problems and look for solutions based on theory.
3rd Semester
- Current Topics in Business Education (Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspädagogik)
In this module, you will deal with current trends in the theory and practice of business education. You will use scientific methods to investigate the topics and discuss the results.
- Business Didactics in Tension between Theory and Practice (Wirtschaftsdidaktik im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis)
As part of the module, you will plan learning environments for commercial training and further education, adapting the learning objectives, content, methods, and media to the target group and the circumstances. You will put these learning environments into practice and then critically examine their implementation to deepen your knowledge of learning and teaching methods.