Fischer L, Herkner C, Kitte R, Dohnke S, Riewaldt J, Kretschmer K, Garbe AI. Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in bone and hematopoietic homeostasis. 2019. Front Endocrinol. 10:578.
Andreas N, Potthast M, Geiselhöringer AL, Garg G, de Jong R, Riewaldt J, Russkamp D, Riemann M, Girard JP, Blank S, Kretschmer K, Schmidt-Weber C, Korn T, Weih F, Ohnmacht C. RelB Deficiency in Dendritic Cells Protects from Autoimmune Inflammation Due to Spontaneous Accumulation of Tissue T Regulatory Cells. J Immunol. 2019 Nov 15;203(10):2602-2613.
Schreiber M, Weigelt M, Karasinsky A, Anastassiadis K, Schallenberg S, Petzold C, Bonifacio E, Kretschmer K, Hommel A. Inducible IL-7 Hyperexpression Influences Lymphocyte Homeostasis and Function and Increases Allograft Rejection. Front Immunol. 2019 Apr 10;10:742.
Brennecke AM, Düber S, Roy B, Thommsen I, Garbe AI, Klawonn F, Pabst O, Kretschmer K, Weiss S. Induced B cell development in adult mice. 2018. Front. Immunol. 9:2483. Special Issue: A Tribute to Antonios G. Rolink. Front Immunol. - B Cell Biology
Freudenberg K, Lindner N, Dohnke S, Garbe AI, Schallenberg S*, Kretschmer K*. Critical role of TGF-β and Il-2 receptor signaling in Foxp3 induction by an inhibitor of DNA methylation. 2018. Front Immunol. 9:125. *Equally contributing last author.
Tabansky I*, Keskin DB*, Watts D*, Petzold C, Funaro M, Sands W, Wright P, Yunis EJ, Najjar S, Diamond B, Cao Y, Mooney D, Kretschmer K†, Stern JNH†. Targeting DEC-205-DCIR2+ dendritic cells promotes immunological tolerance in proteolipid protein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. 2018. Mol Med. 3;24(1):17. †Corresponding and *equally contributing first author.
Wyss L, Stadinski BD, King CG, Schallenberg S, McCarthy NI, Lee JY, Kretschmer K, Terracciano LM, Anderson G, Surh CD, Huseby ES, Palmer E. Affinity for self-antigen selects regulatory T cells with distinct functional properties. 2016. Nat. Immunol. 17(9):1093-101.
Spiering R, Margry B, Keijzer C, Petzold C, Hoek A, Wagenaar J, Arkesteijn G, van der Zee R, van Eden W, Kretschmer K, Broere F. DEC-205-targeted tolerogenic vaccination promotes immune tolerance in experimental autoimmune arthritis. 2015. J. Immunol. 15;194(10):4804-13.
Warth SC, Hoefig KP, Hiekel A, Schallenberg S, Jovanovic K, Klein L, Kretschmer K, Ansel KM, Heissmeyer V. Induced miR-99a expression represses Mtor cooperatively with miR-150 to promote regulatory T cell differentiation. 2015. EMBO J. 5;34(9):1195-213.
Chmelova H, Cohrs CM, Chouinard JA, Petzold C, Kuhn M, Chen C, Roeder I, Kretschmer K, Speier S. Distinct roles of beta cell mass and function during type 1 diabetes onset and remission. 2015. Diabetes. pii: db141055.
Vahl J.C., Drees C., Heger K., Heink S., Fischer J.C., Nedjic J., Ohkura N., Morikawa H., Poeck H., Schallenberg S., Rieß D., Hein M.Y., Buch T., Polic B., Schönle A., Zeiser R., Schmitt-Gräff A., Kretschmer K., Klein L., Korn T., Sakaguchi S., Schmidt-Supprian M. Continuous T Cell Receptor Signals Maintain a Functional Regulatory T Cell Pool. 2014. Immunity. 41(5):722-736.
Petzold C, Steinbronn N, Gereke M, Strasser R, Sparwasser T, Bruder D, Geffers R, Schallenberg S, Kretschmer K. Fluorochrome reporter-based definition of Foxp3+ regulatory T cell subphenotypes of distinct developmental origin. Eur. J. Immunol. 2014. 44(12):3632-45.
Xiao S, Yosef N, Yang J, Wang Y, Zhou L, Zhu C, Wu C, Baloglu E, Schmidt D, Ramesh R, Lobera M, Sundrud MS, Tsai PY, Xiang Z, Wang J, Xu Y, Lin X, Kretschmer K, Rahl PB, Young RA, Zhong Z, Hafler DA, Regev A, Ghosh S, Marson A, Kuchroo VK. Small-Molecule ROR gamma t Antagonists Inhibit T Helper 17 Cell Transcriptional Network by Divergent Mechanisms. Immunity. 2014. 40(4):477-89.
Petzold C, Riewaldt J, Watts D, Sparwasser T, Schallenberg S, Kretschmer K. Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells in Mouse Models of Type 1 Diabetes. J Diabetes Res. 2013; 940710.
Schallenberg S, Petzold C, Tsai PY, Sparwasser T, Kretschmer K. Vagaries of fluorochrome reporter gene expression in Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. PLoS One. 2012. 7(8):e41971.
Riewaldt J, Düber S, Boernert M, Krey M, Dembinski M, Weiss S, Garbe AI, Kretschmer K. Severe developmental B lymphopoietic defects in Foxp3-deficient mice are refractory to adoptive regulatory T cell therapy. Front Immunol. 2012. 3:141.
Petzold C, Schallenberg S, Stern JNH, Kretschmer K. Targeted antigen delivery to DEC-205+ dendritic cells for tolerogenic vaccination. Rev Diabet Stud. 2012; 9(4):305.
Stern JNH*†, Keskin DB*, Kato Z, Waldner H, Schallenberg S, Anderson A, von Boehmer H, Kretschmer K*†, Strominger JL†. Promoting tolerance to proteolipid protein-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through targeting dendritic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010. 107(40):17280. †Corresponding and *equally contributing first author.
Schallenberg S, Tsai PY, Riewaldt J, Kretschmer K. Identification of an immediate Foxp3− precursor population to Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs of non-manipulated mice. J Exp Med. 2010. 207(7):1393.
Feuerer M, Hill J, Kretschmer K, von Boehmer H, Mathis D, Benoist C. Genomic definition of multiple ex vivo Treg sub-phenotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010. 30; 107 (13):5919.
Nolting J, Daniel C, Stuelten C, Li P, Sucov H, Kim BG, Letterio JJ, Kretschmer K, Kim HJ, von Boehmer H. Retinoic acid can enhance conversion of naive into regulatory T cells independently of secreted cytokines. J Exp Med. 2009. 28; 206(10):2131.
Düber S, Hafner M, Krey M, Lienenklaus S, Roy B, Hobeika E, Reth M, Buch T, Waisman A, Weiss S*, Kretschmer K*, Induction of B cell development in adult mice reveals the ability of bone marrow to produce B-1a cells. Blood. 2009. 114: 4960. *Shared senior authorship.
Polansky JK*, Kretschmer K*, Freyer J, Floess S, Baron U, Garbe AI, Hamann A, von Boehmer H, Huehn J. DNA methylation controls foxp3 gene expression. Eur. J. Immunol. 2008. 38(6): 1654. *These authors contributed equally.
Marson A*, Kretschmer K*, Frampton GM, Jacobsen ES, Polansky JK, MacIsaac KD, Levine SS, Fraenkel E, von Boehmer H, Young RA. Foxp3 occupancy and regulation of key target genes during T-cell stimulation. Nature. 2007. 445(7130):931. *These authors contributed equally.
Kretschmer K, Heng TSP, von Boehmer H, De novo production of antigen specific suppressor cells in vivo. Nat. Protocols. 2006. 1(2):653.
Kretschmer K, Apostolou I, Jaeckel E, Khazaie K, von Boehmer H. Making regulatory T cells with defined antigen specificity: Role in autoimmunity and cancer. Immunol. Rev. 2006. 212:163.
Kretschmer K, Apostolou I, Hawiger D, Khazaie K, Nussenzweig MC, von Boehmer H. Inducing and expanding regulatory T cells by foreign antigen. Nat. Immunol. 2005. 6: 1219.