Jan 28, 2020
Crative Europe: New Call for Proposals „Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digital“
The call “Bridging culture and audiovisual content through digitization” is the second pilot call for the cross-sectoral area of Creative Europe. With the pilot calls for proposals, the European Commission is aiming to set up a creative innovation laboratory under the next Creative Europe programme (2021-2027).
Approximately 1.72 million euros are available for the current call for proposal. Project proposals must be submitted by a consortium composed of at least three institutions from three different countries eligible to participate in the Creative Europe programme.
The project must include at least one aspect of the audiovisual and new digital technologies: e.g. Publishing, museums, performing arts and / or cultural heritage.
The main focus of project proposals should include the following aspects, e.g.:
- approaches and overcoming challenges for the cultural and creative industries
- The audience and user experience are of paramount importance when assessing the scope of the problem
- Technology is a key element in solving important problems and not an end / aim in itself
- Promoting innovation in sales and advertising creative content,
- The subject of cross-sectoral cooperation and the use of basic technologies are also a goal.
Submission deadline: May 14, 2020 (5 p.m. CET)
Project duration: not longer than 18 months
Funding amount: the minimum grant amount must be 300,000 euros per project
Funding: max. 60% of the total eligible costs
Further information: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/crea-innovlab-2020
Contact at EPC