Technology platforms
The TUD Dresden University of Technology bundles selected research infrastructures. Thus, modern scientific equipment and services can be offered to a wide range of users within the university and beyond.
In this way, selected Research Core Facilities, which are anchored in decentralized structural units of the TU Dresden, are combined into Technology Platforms. They enable efficient utilization of existing resources, generate synergies and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as knowledge and technology transfer.

Technologyplatforms at the TU Dresden
Technology Platforms (consisting of core facilities or research core facilities) at TU Dresden are part of the scientific infrastructure, under the overarching structure of which one or more core facilities are combined. They operate as independent facilities, manage their own pool of equipment and usually have their own staff. Their goal is to make the research infrastructure of the TU Dresden available to as many internal and external users as possible.
Depending on the Technology Platform, the scope of services offered includes the provision of research equipment for the user's own use as well as services provided by specialized staff.
In Technology Platforms, research groups can conduct their scientific research at the highest technical and professional level with less financial and administrative effort compared to in-house operation. This gives them easy access to a broad spectrum of expert knowledge for applicable methods and specialized research infrastructure. A high standard of service is guaranteed by the technology platforms through their own staff with high expertise in their specialized field.