Jan 16, 2020
MarTERA Call 2020: Maritime and Marine Technologies for a new Era
MarTERA launched a joint call for transnational research and innovation projects in 2020.
The transnational call has a budget of about 13 Mio € for collaborative research and innovation projects in the following areas:
- Priority Area 1: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
- Priority Area 2: Innovative concepts for ships and offshore structure
Priority Area 3: Automation, sensors, monitoring and observations
- Priority Area 4: Advanced manufacturing and production
- Priority Area 5: Safety and security
The MarTERA Call 2020 is implemented as a two-step procedure (a pre-proposal and a full-proposal step). Step 1 deadline for the submission of pre-proposals is 27th March, 2020.
Official website: www.martera.eu/joint-calls
Contact at EPC