Jul 03, 2015
CESAER renews its ERA commitment with EU Commission
New "Joint Statement on European Research Area (ERA)"
The Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER) -TU Dresden is also its member- is pleased to announce that it has renewed its commitment with respect to the European Research Area, signing the new “Joint Statement on ERA”, together with its partner-stakeholder organisations and the EU Commission on the occasion of the Conference “A new start for Europe: Opening up to an ERA of Innovation” in Brussels on 22-23 June 2015. The joint statement is valid until 2019.
Today’s ever faster changing society calls for collaborative and transparent research, through new tools and research infrastructures towards a European Research Area (ERA) of Innovation. Stakeholder organisations in the ERA Platform (CESAER, EARTO, EUA, LERU and Science Europe) and the European Commission play a crucial role in strengthening networking and cooperation in science, research and innovation.
For more information, please refer to the following link: http://www.cesaer.org/en/news-items/news/cesaer-renews-its-era-commitment-with-eu-commission/