Feb 04, 2016
New Eureka Cluster „PENTA“
Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Hungary and Turkey jointly launched a new research network for microelectronics named PENTA ("Pan European Partnership in micro- and nano-technologies and applications").
The purpose of the EUREKA cluster PENTA (2016-2020) is to catalyze research, development and innovation in areas of micro- and nanoelectronics enabled systems and applications across the value chain - where there is shared high national and industrial interest.
The total budget of the cluster is approx. 500 m €. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will participate with approx. 50 m €.
PENTA is a complementary instrument to the ECSEL Joint Undertaking.
Eligible for funding are bi- or multilateral, pre-competitive, industry-driven R&D collaborative projects with the following main topics:
a) Innovations in the field of microelectronics and their applications in growth areas:
- Electronic systems for intelligent future production ("Industry 4.0")
- Electronic systems for intelligent medical (healthcare) systems
- Electronic systems for automotive applications and automated driving
b) Basic technological innovations for the future microelectronics, especially those, which aim on the under a) named growth areas.
The projects are generally funded for a period of three years.
For universities apply the following funding rates:
- up to 100% of eligible costs (direct costs) and an additional 20% flat rate on the eligible costs of actions (indirect costs)
Deadline for the submission of project outlines is 15th March 2016 at 5 pm (CET).
For more information about PENTA:
The team of the EPC would be pleased to advise you and assist with the preparation of your proposal.