May 15, 2018
New Announcement of the M-ERA.NET II 2018 „Materials research and innovation“
Within the German announcement of the M-ERA.NET II Call 2018 transnational research projects with a focus on the following thematic areas are supposed to be funded:
- Multiscale modeling for materials engineering and processing (M3EP)
- Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
- High performance composites
- Functional materials
In addition, the application has to cover one of the following main topics:
- "SmartTextiles" (Announcement:
- "Materials for Additive Manufacturing" (Announcement:
The projects should have a duration of 24 to 36 months. Additional information is also available under:
M-ERA.NET will enable collaboration between leading academic and industrial research partners from European and non-European countries and regions and will facilitate access to previously inaccessible new markets.
The academic and industrial partners of the research collaborations have to be from the countries / regions participating in M-era NETII (at least three partners from two countries or regions participating in M-era.Net II, of which at least one partner should be from a European country or region).
The list of countries / regions participating in the M-ERA Net Call 2018 can be found here:
The funding for universities can cover up to 100 percent of the project-related eligible expenses + 20% overhead costs.
It is a two-step application procedure with a deadline for submission of mandatory pre-proposals on the 12 June 2018, 12:00 CET.The deadline for submitting full proposals is on 08 November 2018, 12:00 CET.
The team of the EPC would be pleased to advise and assist you with the preparation of your proposal.