Apr 04, 2024
Call for proposals Validation Funding
With this call, the Free State of Saxony intends to select and subsequently fund projects that will validate research results within the scope of the individual project module of the Directive on Validation Funding. The projects will be selected in a preliminary competitive application procedure.
The validation of research results has the goal to transfer research results into commercial application. The funding supports to verify, prove and evaluate the innovation potential of promising research results and to explore possible future applications. Successful validation of research results provides evidence of both the technical and commercial feasibility of these research results according to concrete requirements of the future users or providing companies of the products/services.
The funding is part of the Free State of Saxony's innovation strategy and strives for the most effective exploitation of innovation potential, allowing for openness in terms of technologies and sectors and using different innovation paths. There will be a special focus on the innovative fields of environment, raw materials, digital applications, energy, mobility and health.
Funding is available for projects to validate research results that are promising for commercial exploitation and have a project period of up to 18 months and eligible expenses of up to 250,000 euros (“validation project”).
If the project is selected and approved, the grant will cover 90 percent of the eligible expenses. Personnel expenses that are already covered by public budgets as well as own contributions are not eligible. The own contributions must therefore be made in cash. Since personnel expenses are subsidized as a lump sum that is generally lower than the actual costs incurred, further funds are required to cover shortfalls in personnel expenses in addition to the above-mentioned own contributions. A forecast for these costs is provided during the application process.
Under the call, the number of eligible applications for the TU Dresden is limited to six. For this reason, we will conduct an internal pre-selection process within the university.
Furthermore, the orientation projects mentioned in the guideline cannot be applied for the TU Dresden. For such projects as well as for smaller validation projects than those mentioned above, the TUD Innovation Pool is available at the TU Dresden, from which the TU Dresden can support smaller validation projects quickly and flexibly.
Submit your digitally signed project outline (PDF) including the cost calculation (calculation template validation) and classification of the project idea (SAB-form) to the Excellence-Center TUD|excite via by 03.05.2024 at the latest. Subsequently, the project outlines will be selected that are to be submitted to the SAB on behalf of TU Dresden (maximum of six). The selection will first be done internally according to the criteria specified in the call for funding. The TU Dresden attaches additional importance to exploiting existing intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, software) with the funding and to support spin-offs. Prior to submission, a consultation with the TUD|excite or the startup service dresden|exists is recommended. The selected outlines will be submitted in a legally binding manner exclusively by the EPC via TU Dresden's access to the SAB funding portal by 31.05.2024 at the latest. For any necessary revisions to the TUD internally pre-selected outlines, applicants should plan to be available between 17.05. and 31.05.2024.
This is a preliminary competitive application procedure. Applications can only be submitted once the SAB has confirmed the eligibility of the planned project and invited the application. Projects can start at the earliest on 01.11.2024 and must start at the latest on 01.12.2024 if they have a duration of 18 months. Projects of this call must be completed by 31.05.2026.
According to the announcement of the SMWA another fivecalls are planned for 2024 to 2026. The next one will be on 02.12.2024, the internal deadline therefore will be on 01.11.2024.
- Structure outline and evaluation
- SAB_Classification of project idea
- Calculation Template
- Announcement of Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport
- Directive on Validation Funding 2021-2027
*all pages/forms only in German available
For more detailed information, please visit the program website.

Head of Unit excite|INNOVATE
NameHans-Georg Wagner
Innovationsmanagement, Validierungsfonds
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Head of Unit "Structural Funds Saxony"
NameMr Dominique Philipp Brinke
ESF Plus, Federal ESF Plus, ERDF/JTF
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden