SaxoCell is a regional, BMBF-funded future cluster with the aim of making effective, safe and affordable autologous and allogeneic cell and gene therapies (ZGT), so-called "living drugs", available to patients. The cluster involves close cooperation between scientists from TU Dresden, Leipzig University and Fraunhofer IZI, doctors from the university hospitals at the locations and Chemnitz Hospital, as well as researchers and application specialists from industry (from SMEs to production specialists and pharmaceuticals). The research topics include more effective CAR-T, CAR-NK and macrophage therapies for oncology and autoimmune diseases, as well as novel, non-viral gene editing methods and MSC therapies for the treatment of lung diseases in premature babies.
With SaxoCellutions, the TUD|excite supports the SaxoCell future cluster in achieving its goals. The team supports the R&D projects in all matters relating to transfer, IP, founding startups and project management and also offers transfer-specific further training opportunities for researchers. Internal and external communication is also taken care of.
(in Elternzeit)
NameLuisa Brückner
Innovationsmanagement SaxoCell
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Cathleen Meerheim
Innovationsmanagement SaxoCell
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Stephanie Wieneke
Innovationsmanagement SaxoCell
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).