Welcome to TUDiSC
In recent decades, the TU Dresden has undergone an outstanding development in national and international comparison, culminating in its repeated designation as a university of excellence in 2019. In the application "TUD 2028 - Synergy and beyond", measures were described that can be divided into five strategic fields of action with 13 projects.
The measure "Disruption and Societal Change” (TUDiSC) (formerly “Societal Impact of Disruptive Innovations” - SIDI) is part of the endeavor "Strengthening research areas with great potential" in the EXU focus PROFILE. It is intended to contribute to achieving scientific excellence and international visibility in all five Research Priority Areas of TUD, especially in the Emerging Field “Societal Change”, and thus to develop the university as a whole to a high level.
In joint interdisciplinary work, the aim is to elevate disruption to a basic category of research into societal change and to record its preconditions, logics and effects more precisely in a basic-oriented and exemplary subject-related manner. To the extent that this brings into focus the political, economic, social and cultural challenges that societies face in dealing with disruptions, TUDiSC has a social science, humanities and cultural studies orientation, but necessarily includes the expertise of natural, technical and life sciences in addressing these issues.
Conceptual basis
In the conceptual basis, Heike Greschke, Lars Koch and Susann Wagenknecht explain the initial assumptions of a theoretical approach to disruption and disruptivity and present a heuristic description matrix of different dimensions of disruptivity and their effects on and in society. The conceptual foundations can be found at this link.
Bright Minds. Excellent Research. © AVANGA Filmproduktion
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Freestate of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder

Disruption and Societal Change Center (TUDiSC)
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