Societal Change
The Emerging Field Societal Change is a measure within the framework of the Excellence Strategy. The aim is to analyse and research the overarching cultural manifestations and consequences of societal change processes.

Emerging Field Societal Change
The Emerging Field Societal Change is a measure within the framework of the Excellence Strategy. The aim is to focus on and research the overarching cultural manifestations and consequences of societal change processes. The focus here is on social and cultural conflict research, research into the relationship between social dynamics and emotional orders and research into disruptive phenomena in the context of digitalisation and the tension between culture and technology.
Specific research topics include, among others
- Cultures of the digital
- risk narratives
- invective
- populism
- Interculturality and nationalism
- Media, popular culture and societal self-descriptions
- Law and artificial intelligence
- Transformation and sustainability
Individual projects to implement the research topics can be found here.