Aug 15, 2023
Turnaround in Transport Policy – Rethinking Transport Areas | Dialogue forum as part of the IOER autumn series
As part of a cooperation with the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development , the TUDiSC research project "DOUbT" will hold the dialogue forum "Turnaround in Transport Policy - Rethinking Transport Areas" September 5 as part of the Autumn Series 2023.
Autumn series 2023:
No net land take - competition for land in cities, regions and landscapes
Prudent land use is seen as one of the key factors for a "Great Transformation" towards sustainability. Currently, about 55 hectares of land are "consumed" every day in Germany for new buildings and infrastructure. The German government wants to reduce this figure to less than 30 hectares per day by 2030. In 2050, the bottom line should even be zero. To achieve this, we need to better understand land use in Germany. The autumn series 2023 of the IÖR Forum is dedicated to this topic. We will start with a panel discussion in September. This will be followed by in-depth lectures by academics and practitioners until December.
Concept of the Dialogue Forum
Our cities have grown and changed many times over the centuries. The growing ecological challenges, as demonstrated by Earth Day, call for a fundamental change in our lifestyles and forms of mobility. This raises the question of what this means for the development of our cities and the design of public space. How can the model of the car-centered city be overcome and a sustainable mobility culture and infrastructure be established? Through the discussion, land potentials and the changeability of traffic areas are to be made visible. Obstacles to a traffic turnaround are to be discussed and at the same time potentials for new ideas and creativity are to be shown.
September 5, 2023 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
COSMO Science Forum in the Dresden Palace of Culture, Schloßstraße 2, Dresden