QuaBIS - Qualification of Education and Inclusion Experts
We are very pleased to be able to give you an insight into our work, topics and tasks at the TU Dresden.
We hope you enjoy reading our information.

Experts for Education and Inclusion
We want a change. That's what we are here for.
We have something to say that has never been said at the university before. We want to change something with everyone, because we all learn from each other.
That's why we hold seminars and workshops, participate in events and take part in discussions. In doing so, we work on different topics.
We ask questions and like to answer questions, so we get talking and stay in touch. A project like this has never existed before, so you have to try things out and also make mistakes.
Not everything works the very first time. You need to have confidence that it will work. Being patient also means work.
We are open to different forms of cooperation.