Dictionary of Cistercian Saints
In cooperation between the Research Centre for Comparative History of Religious Orders (FOVOG) in Dresden and the European Institute for Cistercian Studies (EUCist) at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Benedikt XVI. in Heiligenkreuz (near Vienna) a „Dictionary of Cistercian Saints“ is being compiled as a directory of all members of Cistercian communities (Cistercians, Trappists, Feuillants) venerated as saints from their beginnings to the present day.
The aim is to provide for the first time a scientifically based overview of those men and women who were venerated as saints in the above-mentioned orders and to summarise the relevant information in the form of a manual. The language of publication is English.
The existing articles will be published successively at Archivum Medii Aevi Digitale (AMAD).
Project leaders:
Prof. P. DDr. Alkuin Schachenmayr OCist
Jessica Garz (student assistant)