Mar 15, 2022
Live interview with Veto magazine on political education in times of crisis

Insta-Live announcement
March 17th from 6 p.m. Live interview with Veto magazine on political education in times of crisis
This Thursday, March 17th from 6 pm, we as JoDDiD have been invited by Veto-Magazin to an exciting live interview on political education in times of crisis. Take a look and listen and bring your questions if you want to think with us about political education in times of crisis. You can find the live interview via the JoDDiD Instagram channels( or Veto Magazine. We look forward to Isa Reda from Veto, you as the audience and the exciting exchange about this special format.
For all those who could not be there live, the exciting one-hour conversation can be watched as a video recording under the following link: Interview.