Oct 18, 2021
Another audio format for political education: "JoDDiD liest"

JoDDiD reads
We have another audio format for you! JoDDiD liest.
In the field of political education, exciting (specialist) contributions, discussions, interviews or
exciting (specialist) articles, discussions, interviews or reports that are of interest for extracurricular political youth and adult education. Not to forget that there are already
There is an almost unmanageable number of already published contributions that can be no less stimulating for the practice of political education. But which contributions are particularly exciting? Which ones can broaden the perspective and change political education? We would like to provide an insight into what we at JoDDiD find exciting by means of a new transfer format: JoDDiD liest. But just listen for yourself! You can find the link to the new episode in our bio, on the homepage or simply search for us on all the usual podcast platforms under JoDDiD reads. #joddid #political education #podcast #reading aloud
With the support of @bpb_de
Contact for media inquiries:
Nele Mai or Tina Hölzel
Research Associates
John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Institute of Political Science
Chair of Didactics of Civic Education
01062 Dresden
Phone: +49351-463 41142
Fax: +49351-463-36928
E-Mail: Tina Hölzel Nele Mai