Nov 03, 2021
JoDDiD workshop for the NDC Saxony
JoDDiD was asked to lead a workshop at the start of the NDC Saxony's series of advanced modules to strengthen adult education.
Together with activists from the NDC, the following questions were addressed in a full-day workshop:
What is learning? What conditions do people need to be able to learn well? How do participation, experiences of exclusion and emotions affect learning processes? And what role does the brain actually play as a bio-social organ? We at JoDDiD prepared these and many other exciting questions especially for the field of extracurricular political adult education at the end of October in the first advanced module of the NDC Saxony under the title: "Glasses on, we need to talk - with didactic glasses in the workshop".
Katharina Tampe, representing the NDC Saxony and responsible for the area of "Education and Advice for Vocational Training Institutions", summarized: "One insight is that learning is based much more on a good relationship and mutual exchange than is already assumed. Many thanks to JoDDiD for the enriching impulses and thanks to the wonderful group from our adult education team. We look forward to now looking at our adult education with a sharpened eye."
Contact for media inquiries:
Nele Mai or Tina Hölzel
Research Associates
John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Institute of Political Science
Chair of Didactics of Civic Education
01062 Dresden
Phone: +49351-463 41142
Fax: +49351-463-36928
E-Mail: Tina Hölzel Nele Mai