Focal areas of research
At the Chair of Classical Philology/Latin, the focus is on the literature of the Late Republic and the Early Imperial Period. Prof. Dr. Dennis Pausch is heading a DFG research project on intended anachronisms. Within this framework, Philipp Geitner is writing a dissertation on the topic 'Untimely Present. The Anachronism in Ovid's Metamorphoses'. Moreover, since 2017, the Institute of Classical Philology has been involved in the Collaborative Research Centre 1285 'Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of Disparagement' with a Latin sub-project.

Areas of research
At the Latin Chair of Prof. Pausch, research is conducted on ancient historiography and Latin literature from the Late Republic to the 4th century AD. The interdisciplinary cooperation within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center 1285 and the analysis of methodological innovations within classical philology receive particular attention. Another main research focus is the use of intended anachronisms in ancient literature, currently as part of a DFG research project.