Online Resources
In the course of studying Latin and Greek and beyond, it is essential to work with scholarly text editions and corresponding secondary literature. In Dresden, the Saxon State and University Library (SLUB) is the first port of call for finding such literature. It is strongly recommended to make full use of these services, for which a visit to the premises or the use of the main search mask on the SLUB homepage is certainly recommended. For more detailed research, e.g. for essays, newspaper articles or other literature that is more difficult to access, or for the use of digitized holdings, you should refer to the relevant specialist databases. It is best to get an overview of what the SLUB offers for Classical Philology.
Technical requirements
Since access to the subject databases is not always free and is subject to certain technical access restrictions, the following requirements may need to be met in order to gain access as a TU Dresden student.
1. login to the TU Dresden data network
- Access via eduroam / VPNWeb
- Student residences whose internet access is managed by the Studentenwerk or AGDSN are already connected to the data network.
2. SLUB account
- If you do not already have one, you should have a user account created. You can find out more about this in the SLUB user registration service.
- If required, log in to your SLUB account in the respective browser session and then access the desired database.
The following information is only a selection of possible online resources and does not claim to be exhaustive. If you do not find enough literature or the right resources, it is worth taking a look at the other SLUB resources.
- Oxford Classical Editions
- Campuslizenz
- nur lateinische Dichtung und Dramen
- mit textkritischem Apparat
- Perseus Digital Library
- tlw. mit textkritischen Apparat
- einige weitere, interessante Werkzeuge:
- Wörterbuch Liddell-Scott-Jones (Griechisch-Englisch)
- verschiedene Kommentare und Übersetzungen (Englisch)
- Grammatiken (englisch, deutsch)
- Library of Latin Texts (LLT-A)
- Wortformensuche mit boolschen Operatoren und Wildcards
- Verteilung von Wortformen in verschiedenen Epochen
- PHI Latin Texts
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
- Campuslizenz, einmalige persönliche Registrierung notwendig!
- Der Neue Pauly Online
- Campuslizenz
- Supplemente
- Teile der Realenzyklopädie (RE) der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften (Pauly-Wissowa)
- Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL)
- Georges Lateinisch-Deutsches Handwörterbuch (1913)
- Theoi (Datenbank zu antiker Mythologie und ihrer Rezeption)
- L'année Philologique
- Campuslizenz
- Gnomon - Bibliographische Datenbank
- Propylaeum - Fachinformationsdienst Altertumswissenschaften
- Periodicals Archive Online (Aufsätze und Rezensionen)
- Diotima (Bibliographie zur Rolle der Frau in der Antike und Gender Studies)
- Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg
- Stoa Consortium (Online-Plattform für Classics und Digital Humanities)
- Historicum (Fachinformationsdienst Geschichtswissenschaft)
- Index Theologicus (Bibliographie zu Theologie und Religionswissenschaft)
- Capelli (Lexikon mittelalterlicher Abbreviaturen)